  • 期刊

The Analysis of Classroom Discourse from a Socio-cultural Perspective



由於語言是促成課堂互動最基本也是最普遍的工具,分析學習者(學生)與他人(同儕及老師)間的言談或環境(教室與文化)可以闡明課堂內的學習過程。本論文以會話分析(CA)做為質化分析根據來研究臺灣某大學英語會話課中所發生之言談。透過分析,我們希望能研究在L2課堂內,社會文化因素對教學與學習的影響,了解第二外語學習者與其教師間的互動,並檢視他們在課堂言談的互動中所反映出之華人社會文化的特質或價值觀。分析結果顯示老師必須有意識的抗拒“教師語言”(teacher talk),並清楚地掌握學生所帶來並置入學習環境中的社會文化規範。此外,應予以鼓勵的是以學生為主的溝通,例如課堂小組討論應予以鼓勵,而不是以教師為主、因循守舊的學習模式。


As language is the basic and most common mediation tool for interaction in the classroom, analyzing the discourse between the learners (students) and the people (peers and teachers) or the environment (classroom and culture) may shed light on the learning process in the classroom. In this paper conversational analysis (CA) was used as a grounded qualitative approach to study the discourse that took place in an English conversation classroom at a university in Taiwan. With the analysis, we hoped to study the effects of socio-cultural factors on teaching and learning in an L2 classroom, to understand the interactions among second language learners and their instructor, and to examine how Chinese socio-cultural features or values were reflected in their interactions through the classroom discourse. Analysis results indicated that teachers must consciously resist institutionally defined 'teacher talk', have a clear understanding about the socio-cultural codes students bring to the classroom and place them into learning context. Furthermore, learner-initiated communication such as group discussion in the classroom with equal turn-taking and less reliance on teacher-fronted and lockstep modes of learning should be highly encouraged.
