  • 期刊


An Exploration of a Paradigm Shift for the Post-Traditional Ru-Inspired Chinese Relational Selfhood


後傳統華人受儒學啟發所導致不同程度的壓抑性面具行為傾向(即有害性的面具與真我的不一致),以及相關的「關係性自我」的問題,被不少非儒學的學者研究並認定,是造成某些心理問題、人格發展及有害性的人際關係及溝通上各種問題的一個重要因素。這種現象也普遍存在於儒化的華人基督徒、教會、家庭的生活當中。此關係性自我觀的典範源於儒家文化而且有轉換的必要,是不少非儒學的學者的共識。本論文旨在透過德國神學家莫特曼的詮釋,介紹同樣是具有「關係性自我觀」的基督教「社群三一」人觀(social trinitarian anthropology)的自我觀。說明其典範的重要特色,乃是在不同個人的自我之間異中求同,同中求異。本論文進一步比較分析後傳統受儒學啟發的華人文化(以杜維明的詮釋為例)及莫特曼的「社群三一人觀」的兩種關係性自我觀的典範,探討並總結「社群三一人觀」的關係性自我觀有充分理由,可供作為「後傳統華人受儒學啟發的關係性自我觀」一種典範轉換的選項或修正參考。期待能透過這樣的典範轉換,提供華人基督徒及教會一條「打開心結,破繭而出」的健康成長之路。


The repressive/repressed behavioural tendency of wearing a mask and the related issues concerning the 'relational self' in its different degrees in post-traditional (post-1911) Confucian-inspired Chinese society have been studied by non-Confucianist scholars since the 1970s. Their studies identify it as a significant factor related to some psychological problems and personality disorders, and harmful interpersonal relationships and communication. This phenomenon can be also observed prevalently in Confucianized Chinese Christians and churches. Consequently, it affects individual Christian spiritual growth, the development of deep spiritual relationships, and the interpersonal communications and operation of the church. This paper presents Jürgen Moltmann's social trinitarian relational selfhood as an alternative paradigm of a relational selfhood embedded within a dynamic diversity in unity as well as a unity in diversity. This paper also shows the result of a critical comparison of the paradigms of Weiming Tu's post-traditional Confucian relational selfhood with Moltmann's. The conclusion identifies Moltmann's paradigm as a synthetic and alternative option that can serve as a possible paradigm shift for the post-traditional Confucian-inspired relational selfhood, represented by Weiming Tu's accounts of relational selfhood. Hopefully, this alternative paradigm can offer a possible means of healthier growth toward unveiling the hidden true self in Chinese Christians and non-Christians.
