  • 期刊


Progress in Utilizing Metal-organic Frameworks for Electrochemical Applications


金屬有機骨架(metal-organic frameworks, MOFs)為一系列由無機金屬節點與有機小分子連接器所構成的孔洞材料。由於其具備在微孔或中孔區間的規律孔洞性和週期性排列的骨架內化學官能基,MOF可以被用來建構在空間上被孔洞分離、高密度且規律排列的三維活性中心陣列。因此,MOF在各種催化應用上具有相當高的吸引力。除此之外,若將這些裝有活性中心的MOF製成電化學可用的薄膜,則可被用在各種電化學應用,包含電催化、電化學感測、電荷儲存和電致色變元件等,並可望發揮優異的效果。在本篇回顧文章中,將針對MOF電極材料應用於以上電化學用途的相關研究迄今之發展進行回顧,並探討在這個研究方向存在的問題、限制以及未來可能的解決策略。


Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a class of porous materials constructed from metalrich inorganic nodes and organic linkers. Because of their regular porosity in microporous or mesoporous scale and periodic intra-framework functionality, three-dimensional array of high-density and well-separated active sites can be built in various MOFs; such characteristics make MOFs become attractive porous supports for a range of catalytic applications. Furthermore, the electrochemically addressable thin films of such MOF materials are reasonably considered as attractive candidates for lots of electrochemical applications, including electrocatalysis, electrochemical sensors, charge storage, and electrochromic devices. In this review, the research progress in utilizing MOFs in the aforementioned electrochemical applications is highlighted. The issues and limitations in this research field and the potential strategies for solving these issues are discussed.
