  • 期刊


Application of Radioisotope Carbon-14 Labeled Compounds to Study Drug Safety




To assure drug safety, it is critical to clarify the history, interaction mechanisms as well as fate and transport of the xenobiotics in biosystems. Data related to the study of adsorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) of a new chemical entity (NCE) in vivo have to be disclosed clearly in new drug applications (NDAs) for phase III clinical trials. The application of traceable radioisotope carbon-14 labeled NCE in animal models to collect ADME data is gold standard, and it is accepted by NDA approval organizations all over the world. However, the half-life of carbon-14 is more than 5700 years, and the conscience that radioactivity lasts forever is an obstacle that must be overcome. Thus, the aim of this manuscript is to illustrate the myth surrounding the utilization of carbon-14 to evaluate the safety of NCEs in live animals. This review discusses the past use of radioisotopes to study the mechanisms and phenomena of substances in biosystems, as well as the character and protection criteria from radio-effects of carbon-14. The process of using carbon-14 labeled compounds to study ADME and pharmacokinetic (PK), analytical methods, and the meaning of data is also discussed. The Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (INER) is a national institution with expertise in radio-substance application and investigation. The technical platform for the manipulation of carbon-14 labeled compounds and the determination of its interactive behavior with biosystems is being established by the INER, and it will provide technical services to industries, fundamental sciences and government al agencies. The vision of the platform is to play a key role as the pivot of a leverage effect, to assist the government in their efforts to promote biotechnology industries in Taiwan, while improving the health of citizens.
