  • 學位論文


Research for Integrated Management of Engineering Life-cycle COBie Information

指導教授 : 謝尚賢


施工營運建築資訊交換標準(Construction Operation Building Information Exchange, 簡稱COBie)已經被英國以及美國政府重視其在工程上的重要性,並將COBie訂為竣工交付的基本格式要求,也制定了許多規範供實施COBie的工程專案參考。然而COBie搭配BIM技術於工程中的使用特性,會因為模型隨著不同階段目的性、不同專業分開建模、或是模型有必要切分等因素,COBie隨著這些模型分別匯出資訊,因此工程專案由初始規劃,歷經設計與施工等工程階段所產出的COBie資訊,需要經過良好的組織與管理,以利於未來歷史資訊的查詢,以及交付有利資訊給後續單位承接使用。 而COBie廣泛使用的資訊傳遞方式是透過電子試算表(Spreadsheet),例如Excel,其形式簡單且便於使用,然而對於工程生命週期COBie資訊的長期管理來說不利,而竣工移交資訊給後續營運單位所使用的軟體,其資料基底則都是基於資料庫的形式運作,也就是COBie所紀錄之設施或建築物的非幾何資訊,最終仍會進入到資料庫使用。因此考慮到長期工程生命週期COBie資訊的管理,以及交付有利資訊給後續營運單位的因素,COBie資訊透過便利的電子試算表形式達到資訊交換的目的後,應使用資料庫進行設施或建築物非幾何資料的保存與管理。 透過資料庫管理工程階段產出的COBie資訊,相較使用電子試算表的好處是其為更專門的資料管理工具,在處理工程產出龐大複雜的資料上、資料加工、資料處理、資料運用上展現更多的彈性與優勢,未來基於能夠管理生命週期COBie資訊的資料庫,可以再進一步發展COBie的應用或設施管理軟體,而本文即是在探討COBie資訊應轉換至資料庫的方式、如何在資料庫整合管理生命週期的COBie資訊、以及這些資訊在被取用時與來源模型的視覺互動。


Construction Operation Building Information Exchange (COBie) is an international standard relating to asset information management. It is a data format beneficial for exchanging non-graphical information of buildings or facilities and it is usually expressed in the format of spreadsheets, for example, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, to convey information. COBie is closely associated with Building Information Modeling (BIM), which is a process generating and managing digital information of buildings or facilities. The non-graphical information documented by COBie is extracted from a BIM model and exported to a spreadsheet. In general, different engineering professions build their own BIM models to perform tasks, and COBie information will be exported from different BIM models separately. At each phase, COBie information is captured and delivered by engineering professions for information exchange. Hence, engineering life-cycle COBie information is accumulated from each phase, and needs to be well organized and managed for subsequent use. However, using spreadsheets to manage engineering life-cycle COBie information is not as effective as using a database. There are two reasons. First, a database can process a great deal amount of data with more efficiency than spreadsheets. Second, the data processed by a database can be used with more flexibility. This research proposes an information management architecture for a database to achieve integrated management of engineering life-cycle COBie information. Based on the information management architecture, this research has developed a prototype COBie information management system, which can receive uploaded COBie spreadsheets through its web page and import COBie spreadsheets into its database. This research also uses a practical case to demonstrate the functionalities of the system with the aim of proving the feasibility of the proposed COBie information management architecture. In the end, the database managed by the COBie information management system can be used for delivering as-built information, and inquiring historical COBie information, or can be expanded for developing facility management systems.


[2]Teicholz, P. (Ed.) (2013), BIM for Facility Managers, John Wiley & Sons.
[3]East, E. W. (2012), Construction Operations Building information exchange (COBie), Engineer Research and Development Center, US Army Corps of Engineers.
[4]NIBS (2010), Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie): Version 2.40 Update, National Institute of Building Sciences, USA.
