  • 學位論文


See from Your Perspective: The Role of Executive Control in Visuospatial Perspective Taking

指導教授 : 葉怡玉




This study investigated how executive control is involved in Level-2 visuospatial perspective taking (L2VSPT). Experiment 1 incorporated a L2 visual perspective taking task with three executive control tasks. Experiments 2 and 3 adopted a L2 spatial perspective taking task. In Experiment 2, participants also performed a Simon task in which implicit stimulus-response compatibility was manipulated. In Experiment 3, participants performed a Hearts-and-Flowers (HF) task in which explicit stimulus-response compatibility was manipulated. In L2VSPT, Simon, and HF tasks, three variables were manipulated: cue-to-target interval (CTI) with a short (200 ms) or a long (1000 ms) duration, stimulus-response compatibility with egocentric judgment as the compatible condition and the altercentric judgment as the incompatible condition, and trial type with repeat or switch from the previous trial. Across three experiments, the results showed that task order influenced L2VSPT performance. When L2VSPT was performed first (Experiments 1 and 3), the main effects of all three variables were significant and their interaction effects were not. Inconsistent with the findings in the literature of task-switching studies, increasing CTI did not reduce switch cost and the cost of switching from a nondominant task with a strong control to a dominant task with a weak control was not larger than the cost of the reversal switch. When L2SPT task was performed as the second task in Experiment 2, increasing CTI reduced the switch cost and accuracy showed switch asymmetry at short CTI. Although the results differ from those observed in prior research on task switching, the correlations with tasks on executive control (Experiment 1) and between tasks (Experiments 2 and 3) showed the roles of executive control. At short CTI, processing speed and resolution of implicit stimulus-response conflict played an important role in altercentric judgment and in the egocentric-to-altercentric switch. Resolution of explicit stimulus-response conflict also contributed to the altercentric-to-egocentric switch. At long CTI, processing speed and updating were involved in the egocentric-to-altercentric switch. Afterward, resolution of explicit stimulus-response conflict contributed to altercentric judgments. Executive control plays an important role in L2VSPT for switch, updating task rules, and resolving conflict emerged at the early or latter decision stage.


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