  • 學位論文


Simulate the Topographic Effects of Seismic Response on Ground Surface

指導教授 : 林美聆


回顧歷史上許多地震案例的記載當中,皆指出地表的不規則地形會對震波產生放大的作用,尤其在坡度較陡之邊坡或山頂處,地表振幅被放大數倍以上,極為可能是導致破壞的主因之一。台灣由於造山運動盛行,地形陡峻,山地與丘陵即佔全島三分之二的總面積,又大小地震頻繁,故有可能因為劇烈的地形起伏而使得地表震動加劇,而造成破壞。 本研究主要針對地形放大效應作討論。首先,選定南投縣日月潭氣象站測站為參考測站,並分別蒐集近域、遠域地震事件之加速度紀錄,作為簡化山峰數值模型之輸入運動與進行動態分析。希望藉由數值模型探討地表地形之幾何比例與震波主要波長在放大效應中之角色,以及兩者之間的關係。此外,也同時討論近域、遠域地震事件是否在地形放大效應中有不同的表現。 模擬結果顯示,當震波之主要波長小於山峰寬度的情況下,地形放大比率的分布情形將受到主要波長控制,主要放大區域將被限制在一倍波長的距離內,而非整個坡面;然而,當主要波長大於山峰寬度時,則由山峰寬度控制地形放大比率之分佈,即放大區域將涵蓋整個山峰坡面。 本研究亦利用快速傅立葉轉換在頻率中討論地形效應。均質土層的狀況下,基盤加速度之振幅達到一定程度時將產生土層放大效應,在對應到土層共振頻率的位置會出現傅氏振幅之放大,並且當基盤的振幅越大則此效應越明顯。此外,峰頂受地形放大影響的頻率範圍普遍落在8Hz以內,但當基盤加速度的振幅越大,則傅氏振幅中受影響的範圍也會愈廣。


There are lots of earthquake events indicating that the irregular terrain would cause the amplification of seismic response, especially on the steep slopes or crest of ridges. Taiwan is located at the boundary between the Philippine Sea Plate and the Eurasian Plate, which results in frequent orogenic activities and steep terrain. As a result, the research was needed to examine the influence of topographic effects on local sites. This study focused on topographic amplification and investigate the relationship between the geometric ratio of topography and the dominant wavelength of seismic wave. First, the acceleration records of the strong motion station in Sun-Moon Lake weather station was collected. Those acceleration data were used as input motion for numerical dynamic analysis, including near- and far-field seismic events. The simulation results show that the distribution of topographic amplification ratio will be dominated by the dominant wavelength of seismic wave when the wavelength is less than the width of ridge, which means the amplification area will be limited to the distance of wavelength. On the other hand, when the dominant wavelength is greater than the width of ridge, the distribution of AT is controlled by the width, which means the amplification area will cover the entire ridge slope. This research also discussed the topographic amplification in frequency domain with using fast Fourier Transform. In homogeneous soil layer, when the acceleration of base motion is large enough, the soil amplification will be excited so the Fourier amplitude will be amplified at the resonant frequencies according to fundamental frequency. For topography effect, generally the frequency spectrum of the crest will be amplified within 8Hz. However, when the amplitude of the base motion increases, the affected range in the Fourier spectrum will increase too.


