  • 學位論文


A Study on Management Strategies of Bed and Breakfast In Hua-Shan Area of Yunlin County

指導教授 : 吳榮杰


本研究旨在探討有關雲林縣華山地區民宿休閒產業經營策略,包括民宿產業的發展因素與歷程,民宿產業經營現況與策略,民宿產業面臨的優劣勢環境和未來發展策略。本研究採用質性研究方法,以半結構式訪談為主,並輔以觀察記錄與文件資料。分別訪談華山地區民宿經營業者4人、相關餐業者2人、民宿遊客3人、社區領導人3人、政府官員3人,瞭解利害關係人對於華山地區民宿休閒產業經營策略與未來發展之意見,並透過研究者至華山地區進行21次的觀察,瞭解民宿業者經營情形,如何與顧客進行互動。 研究資料經過整理、分析、討論、歸納的過程,提出下列各點發現: 一、雲林縣華山地區民宿休閒產業發展的條件因素,主要是因為該地區擁有方便的交通網路,具有豐富的山林景觀,咖啡休閒產業的崛起,以及劍湖山主題樂園的擴大營運。 二、雲林縣華山地區民宿休閒產業發展歷程,主要是民眾對於休閒旅遊的重視,開始到華山地區進行登山健行活動,聚集相當多的人潮後,開始有咖啡休閒餐廳的設立,同時因為劍湖山主題樂園的營運,促成大量遊客湧至,又開啟了華山地區民宿休閒產業的發展。 三、雲林縣華山地區民宿休閒產業經營現況,主要以提供遊客住宿環境以及隔日的早餐,一般並不提供午晚餐。多數業者的經營運作以家族式小規模經營方式進行,部分業者會提供景觀導覽服務,有少數業者會提供文化生活參與體驗的活動。 四、雲林縣華山地區民宿休閒產業業者有成立合作組織,但功能不夠明顯,無法引導業者提升服務品質擴大經營內涵。與政府間的關係不夠密切,政府的輔導協助仍屬不足。 五、雲林縣華山地區民宿休閒產業的特性是結合山區景觀與咖啡產業發展的新興行業,經營運作受到社會經濟發展、宣傳行銷以及附近劍湖山主題樂園經營的影響,是小規模家族式的經營模式,強調主人親切接待,沒有嚴謹的運作流程。 六、雲林縣華山地區民宿休閒產業的類型同時具有農漁生活、文化體驗、渡假旅行與區域產業型態民宿等特色,但沒有辦法歸納單一類型,使得華山地區的民宿可以滿足不同需求的遊客,但也會因為特色不明顯無法聚焦形成特色進行推展宣傳與行銷。 七、雲林縣華山地區民宿休閒產業的經營目標與發展願景並不明確,經營運作以住家型態提供住宿居多,僅少數業者會運用社區自然景觀生態資源,安排規劃文化體驗活動,對於客源開發與行銷宣傳比較沒有積極的作為。 八、雲林縣華山地區民宿休閒產業的環境優勢,在內部資源上包括具有豐富的自然山林景觀生態、便捷交通條件、完善的登山步道、以及本土的咖啡休閒產業等。在外部環境機會上,包括具有休閒產業發展條件、劍湖山遊樂世界的營運、民眾從事休閒旅遊的意願提升以及附近沒有強烈的外部競爭等優勢。 九、雲林縣華山地區民宿休閒產業的環境劣勢,在內部資源的劣勢上包括道路較小停車空間不足的交通限制、小黑蚊肆虐、民宿內容品質未能提升、業者間的合作並不明顯以及部分業者經營態度較為消極。在外部環境的威脅上包括社會經濟發展不斷的變動、遊客追求新奇的態度、易受到劍湖山遊樂世界與政府辦理大型活動的影響、國內精緻民宿發展趨勢的競爭以及民眾對於山區潛在地理條件威脅的感受。 十、雲林縣華山地區民宿休閒產業的未來經營發展策略包括提升民宿經營的品質,開拓華山地區的景點,民宿業者間的結合,業者的整合與行銷,配合政府進行公共環境條件的改善。 研究者依據研究的結果對民宿業者、政府單位與未來研究提出建議。


民宿 休閒產業 經營策略


The purposes of this study were to focus on the management strategies of the Bed and Breakfast(in the following referred to as "B&B")and leisure industries in Huashan, Yunlin County, including its critical factors in the development process , the current business status and strategies, the industrial environment analysis of advantages, disadvantages, and future prospects in the tourism development. This study conducts the issues according to the qualitative research method and data was collected primarily through semi-structured interviews, supplemented by observations and document reviews. By separately interviewing with four B & B managers, two industry association representatives, three tourists, three cadres in the community and three government officers, the stakeholders’ perspectives on the management strategies of local leisure industries and future development were collected. The research was conducted through 21 times observation in Huashan district to access B & B owners’ management status, and the ways to interact with customers. According to the data collection, analysis, discussion and induction, the findings and conclusions were as following: 1. The top priorities of development criteria of B & B leisure industries in Huashan Community, Yunlin County, are identified positive factors on the traffic convenience, environmental resources, Ku-Keng coffee industry growth, and the operations for Janfusun Fancyworld theme park expansion. 2. The historical development process of leisure industries in Huashan Community, the leisure and tourism industries has been greatly emphasized by public, beginning from hiking activities, drawing the large crowd into this place, setting Leisure Coffee Shop, and meanwhile the Janfusun theme park operations led to a large number of tourists coming, also opening the local group development in the tour and leisure business. 3. The current operational situations in Huashan leisure industries is primarily to provide tourist accommodation and breakfast, but usually does not offer lunch and dinner. Most of the B & B possessor services to private small -scale operation by the family administration, some have sightseeing guides ' service, few provide cultural experiences and leisure activities participation. 4. The B & B possessors in Huashan set up internal cooperative organizations, but the organizational functions are not clear enough for the B & B possessors to enhance service quality and increase service connotation. Since the relationship between B & B possessors and government are not close, the guidance advice and professional assistance from government is still insufficient. 5.The emerging Industry of B & B leisure industries in Huashan is characterized by its unique atmosphere combining spectacular mountain landscape with coffee industry development. The operational management is affected by socio-economic development, propaganda marketing strategy and the nearby Janfusun theme park operations, servicing with small-scale operation by the family administration, emphasizing the owner friendly reception without rigorous operating procedures. 6.The Operating Styles of B & B leisure industries in Huashan classifies into four categories as farming and country living, cultural experience, vacation travel and regional industry not defining one single type, making to satisfy the needs of different kind of tourists. But the characteristic features isn’t remarkable, it can’t shape specific characteristics on promoting propaganda and marketing. 7. The operating goal and developmental visions of B & B leisure industries in Huashan are implicit, most are traditional family-run administration providing residential accommodation, few are on the development of ecological tourism for ecological resources, arranging “cultural experience” activity, but new customer development and propaganda marketing are not active. 8. The environmental benefits of B & B leisure industries in Huashan combined with the resources. The internal resources include abundant natural landscape, convenient travel links, perfect hiking trails and local coffee leisure industries. The external environmental opportunities include conditions for the development of leisure industries, the Janfusun Fancyworld operations, the more intention of involving in leisure activities and the weak external competition. 9. The environmental disadvantage of B & B leisure industries in Huashan emerged in different dimension. The internal weaknesses include the insufficient parking Space, the rampant mosquitoes, the fail to improve quality, the unobvious cooperation between industries, the passive management attitude. The threats in external environmental include the changeable socio-economic, the tourists’ the pursuit of novelty, the effect of government-sponsored events in Janfusun Fancyworld, the domestic competition trends in the refined B & B, the feeling about geography of threat. 10.The future management strategies of B & B leisure industries in Huashan include the quality management upgradation, landscape development in Huashan, the cooperation between industries, business integration and marketing, the public sanitation improvements coordinating with the relevant government departments. According to related references and results above, some suggestions are advanced to he Bed and Breakfast keepers, related government departments and future researchers.


