  • 學位論文


Gap in the Labor-market Returns between General Education and Vocational Education in Taiwan

指導教授 : 郭貞蘭
共同指導教授 : 于若蓉(Ruoh-Rong Yu)


普通與技職教育的教育報酬率是近年學界持續討論的重要議題,國外研究多發現這兩類教育人口短期與長期的薪資報酬有所差異。本文探究不同教育體系畢業者的薪資報酬差異:第一,藉由第一份正式工作薪資的迴歸分析,探討不同教育體系的就業人口,在剛開始第一份正式工作時的薪資是否有所不同?第二,藉由追蹤資料的薪資迴歸分析,針對不同教育體系的就業人口,探討其薪資差異是否會隨著工作經驗的累積而增加或減少? 本文使用家庭動態資料庫(Panel Study of Family Dynamics)的五群主樣本資料,將普通與技職體系的受訪者按最高教育程度分為五類(高中、高職、專科、技術學院/科技大學、普通大學),並將男性與女性樣本分開分析。首先,採用OLS迴歸分析第一份工作的薪資水準。男性的分析結果顯示,相對於技術學院/科技大學者,除專科畢業生的薪資顯著較高外,其他教育程度者並無顯著的薪資差異;至於女性,則以高中畢業生較為劣勢。第二,採用隨機效果迴歸模型分析薪資動態資料。在男性方面,與技術學院/科技大學者相比,高中、高職、專科畢業生的工作經驗報酬率均顯著較低,普通大學則無顯著差異;女性樣本中,高中畢業者的工作經驗報酬率顯著較低,其他的教育程度則無顯著差異。基於普通大學與技術學院/科技大學的工作經驗報酬率差異未達顯著水準,本文的分析結果似可呼應既有文獻的發現,顯示一般性認知技能與終身學習素養培育在個人職涯發展上的重要性。


Differences in labor-market returns between general education and vocational education have been widely discussed in recent literature. Using data from the Panel Study of Family Dynamics (PSFD), this study investigates the earnings gap of first job and the earning dynamics between general education and vocational education in Taiwan. This study divides educational credentials into five groups, including senior high school, vocational high school, junior college, technical college and university, and general university. Male and female respondents are estimated separately. With ordinary least squares (OLS) regression, the results on earning of first job show that males with a junior college diploma have higher earnings than those with technical college and university. Females with a senior high school diploma have lower earnings than those with technical college and university degree. As to the random-effects regressions based on panel data, the findings indicate that males with a senior high school, vocational high school, or junior college diploma have lower rates of return on experience than graduates of technical college and university. Females with a senior high school diploma have lower rates of return on experience than those of technical college and university. The findings are consistent with the existing literature that argues general cognitive skills and literacy play an important role in long-term earnings growth.


于若蓉,2009,〈社會網絡與勞動市場表現:臺灣資料的分析〉。《臺灣社會學》18: 95-137。
于若蓉、黃奕嘉,2018,〈家庭動態調查:樣本結構、問卷內容、資料外釋與應用〉。《中國統計學報》56(4): 98-115。
