  • 學位論文


Cases study on the trap hunting practice in Atayal, Nanao, Ilan: a local ecological knowledge perspective.

指導教授 : 王俊能
共同指導教授 : 裴家騏(Jai-Chyi Pei)




From October 2017 to April 2018, I participated in the trap hunting of three Atayal hunters in Nanao, Ilan, and recorded the trap position, hunting path, and the species, quantity, capture status and utilization of the game. In addition, seven middle-aged hunters were also interviewed. The results show that small area and adjacent to roads are the main features of the hunting grounds. Nanao hunters manage the hunting grounds by rotation of several small hunting grounds, regular inspections of human disturbance, effective set, and seasonal hunting. The harvest result shows that choice of trap locations, regular inspections, improved hunting tools and selective release are key to achieving prey selection, reducing wastage, and achieving stable harvests with lower effort. Trap hunting is the demonstration of local ecological knowledge, LEK. Also, the development of ecological knowledge, practice of wild survival skills, connection with faith, practice of gaga and the role model of the hunter represent Nanao hunters’ cultural connotations in the trap hunting practice. Nowadays, many middle-aged and old hunters persist in putting traps every year, which is not for domestic demand, but for their cultural identity and inheritance. From a historical perspective, hunting effort is affected by the lack of sale channels, decrease of wildlife population, environmental changes, and the government decree. Most hunters believe that as long as commercial trade are prohibited and the access to roads is limited, there will be no concern about overharvesting. Finally, this study found that LEK consists of knowledge passed down from generation to generation, experience of hunting practice, as well as the external knowledge from education and media. Through collective representation, these elements form a set of collective identity and shared information, which affect individual behavior. LEK contains both collective identity and individual interpretation. At the present time, LEK of trap hunting faces the challenges of inheritance, weakened relationship of reciprocity, and prohibited by the external institution, all of which may hinder the production, innovation, and operation of LEK. As the result, the nature resource management may be high-cost and inefficient.


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