  • 期刊


Preliminary Investigation of Visitor Arrivals and Management Implication in Xitou Nature Education Area




溪頭 自然教育園區 承載量


Xitou Nature Education Area (XNEA) has abundant natural and landscape resources. After several crises, Chi-Chi earthquake, Typhoon Toraji and Typhoon Nari, the Experimental Forest of Nation Taiwan University (NTU) has set up a number of new attractive scenes and provided a series of activities regarding eco-tourism to attract visitors by taking the advantage of the rich nature resources within XNEA. The amount of tourists has been increased yearly and visitor arrivals are more than one million since 2006. According to the annual report of Taiwan Tourism Bureau, the visitor arrivals in XNEA remain the highest ranked among forest recreation areas in the recent years. Therefore XNEA is considered the most popular forest recreation area in Taiwan. In addition to the functions of field study and teaching, ”natural education” and ”ecotourism” are newly developing directions in XNEA. By providing ecological workshops and interpretation services, XNEA has improved recreational quality and enhanced the recreational experience of tourists.This study mainly has investigated facility carrying capacity in XNEA. The preliminary results show that the visitor arrivals are over facility carrying capacity during rush hours. In order to maintaining the sustainability of the forest ecological resources in XNEA, the Experimental Forest of NTU needs to (1) establish a model to estimate carrying capacity in this area, (2) integrates the environmental impacts of the recreational activities and (3) issues regarding to environmental carrying capacity that contributes to management strategy.


Xitou nature education area capacity


