  • 學位論文


Guided Soft Classroom, a New Model for Integrating Online Learning into Conventional Courses

指導教授 : 康仕仲
共同指導教授 : 曾敬梅




The decisions on the proportion-distribution of online and in-class activities is one of the main challenges for integrating online learning into conventional courses in digital-based learning and MOOCs studies. Thus, the current research aimed to develop an innovative instructional approach and learning model with the optimum harmony of online learning and physical facilitations for maximize the learning effectiveness. After a two-year continuous improvement of instructional approach, we proposed a new learning model, guided soft classroom, which was developed by self-regulation learning in the online learning platform while three main phases of physical interactions in the campus course. First, to conduct an intake interview to understand students’ goal-setting and leaning behavior. Students were asked to make commitments and declare their responsibilities. Second, a guidance phase monitored the effect upon the learning progress by the Data-Visual-Judgment (D-V-J) model through summarizing and visualizing the online learning data, and then further provided facilitation sessions. Last, the effectiveness was validated by focus group interview and data analysis in the evaluation phase. This research was validated by examination the intervention effects from an engineering graphic course in 2105 and 2016, with 38 and 41 participants, respectively. The results revealed that the variations of three-time examinations were declined in both year, due to the increased course difficulties. However, the regressions of three-time examinations were -33.10% and -15.56% in 2015 and 2016. Moreover, the average grade of final exam was 71.98 in 2016, which was 17% higher than 61.32 in 2015. In addition, 90% students preferred this model. Follow-up guidance plans that optimized its effectiveness and applications are further discussed. This research set up a milestone for future blending online and conventional classroom instructions.


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