  • 學位論文


Geomorphosite Evaluation at Keelung Ho-Ping Island Park

指導教授 : 林俊全


台灣位處板塊接觸帶,擁有許多特殊的地形景觀,因而行政院農委會自1985年跟隨世界地景保育趨勢,開始地景點的登錄與調查,至2012年底共計登錄341個地景點。其中基隆和平島公園擁有豐富的自然地景,是推動地景旅遊的絕佳地區。因而本研究以此作為研究區,了解和平島地形景點的特性,並彙整國外學者的地形景點評估指標,評估和平島公園各地形景點的價值。最後根據研究結果,作為和平島公園在保育為前提下,後續推動觀光和教育推廣之目的。 本研究調查結果顯示:1. 和平島公園地形景點受岩性、節理、海浪侵蝕、風化作用影響顯著,共登錄13種地形景點,包含蕈狀岩、海蝕崖、豆腐岩、海蝕壺穴、海蝕洞、潮間帶、薑石、海蝕溝、生痕化石、溶蝕盤、風化紋、蜂窩岩、節理等地形景點。2. 依據彙整的地形景點評估指標,選取其中6種地形(蕈狀岩、海蝕崖、豆腐岩、海蝕壺穴、海蝕洞和潮間帶)共計16處進行評估後發現,景點皆獲評為B級以上,達到中等價值,其中5處更評為A級,達到高等價值,代表非常珍貴,原因如下:中山仔嶼海蝕平台西側的蕈狀岩,蕈岩數量多,且形成過程特殊;中山仔嶼西北側的海蝕崖,海崖高差大反映氣候變遷;中山仔嶼東北側的豆腐岩,豆腐岩規模大,具有構造意義;社寮嶼東北側外海的豆腐岩,形貌特殊,具生態價值;海蝕洞,具有歷史文化價值。此外,和平島公園部分地形景點科學價值和附加價值雖高,但經營管理情況有待改善,諸如遊客不當行為、垃圾棄置、水泥步道、落石問題、教育解說設施皆須改善。 和平島公園地形景點類型多樣,具有推廣觀光的潛力。未來管理單位宜利用和平島公園之特色,妥善進行保育和宣傳,期能達到永續發展之成效。


Taiwan has numerous special landscapes because of its location. By 2012, Taiwan has recorded 341 landscapes by the government under the global trend of Landscape Conservation. Keelung Ho-Ping Island Park has many natural landscapes to develop geo-tourism. Hence, this research explores the feature of geomorphosite in Ho-Ping Island Park and compiles foreign geomorphosite evaluation indicators to evaluate geomorphosites in Ho-Ping Island Park. The results can later be applied to tourism and education in Ho-Ping Island Park. This research shows two conclusions: 1. Because of lithology, wave erosion and weathering, there are 13 different geomorphosites in Ho-Ping Island Park such as mushroom, sea cliff, tofu rock, marine pothole, sea cave, intertidal zone, and fossil. 2. By using geomorphosite evaluation indicators, all of the geomorphosites are evaluated above class B, this result represents that there are many medium value geomorphosites in Ho-Ping Island Park. Among geomorphosites, those that are evaluated class A are: mushroom in the west side of Zhongshan Island’s abrasion platform because of the large quantity, sea cliff in the northwest side of Zhongshan Island because it reflects climate change, tofu rock in the northeast side of Zhongshan Island because of its large area, tofu rock in the northeast side of Sheliao Island because of its special form and ecological significance, and sea cave because of its cultural significance, representing high value geomorphosites. Although some geomorphosites of scientific and additional values in Ho-Ping Island Park are evaluated high, management should further improve inappropriate behaviors of visitors, disposal of garbage, rockfalls, cement trail, and interpretive services. According to results, Keelung Ho-Ping Island Park has geodiversity. Management should use the above characteristics for conservation and promotion.


王翠華(2008)高中地理教科書中的地景保育,地景保育通訊,26: 37-39。
