  • 學位論文


The Effect of Parental Absence on Education

指導教授 : 劉錦添
共同指導教授 : 江淳芳(Chun-Fang Chiang)


本文使用家庭固定效果模型,估計缺少父母對於學業表現的影響。我使用台灣 行政資料,分析超過十七萬名於 2013 到 2017 年間國中教育會考考生資料。分 析結果顯示失去父母對子女帶來的影響會因孩童的性別、學力、發生時間和考 科而有所異同。這些差異可能很大。例如,考期將近時母親死亡,會降低兒子 在中文、英文和數學考科上超過 B+ 級分 23 to 49% 的機率;然而,父母離婚或 死亡有時卻會對女兒會考的作文成績造成正向刺激。此外,高學力學生也較不 易受接近會考發生之父母缺離影響。


父母死亡 離婚 學業表現


In this paper, I employ the family fixed-effect model to estimate the impact of parental absence on children’s schooling outcome. I analyze an administrative dataset from Taiwan from over 170,000 children who attended the Comprehensive Assessment Pro- grams for Junior High School Students, hereafter called CAP, during 2013 - 2017. The result indicates that these effects differ between boys and girls, high-performing stu- dents and low-performing students, and depend on the occasion of the parental absence and the subjects. Each type of parental absence has quite different effect on children. By way of an example, a recent maternal bereavement could lower 23 to 49% chance of having a rank higher than B+ in Chinese, English, and math exam for boys, while losing a parent sometimes stimulates girls into performing better in the writing exam. Furthermore, high-performing students are less susceptible to a parental absence close to the exam date.


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