  • 學位論文


Pottery Technical System and Skill of Fuyuan Site

指導教授 : 陳瑪玲


器物的製作並非僅僅是將物品生產出來這麼簡單,器物的製作技術體系是鑲嵌於社會文化之中,可以反映社會的種種面向,進而探討人群生活的模式。陶器是台灣史前社會常見的物品,本論文研究花蓮縣富源遺址出土之陶片,透過製陶技術體系的研究,並著重於技術成熟度的討論,了解古富源人群的陶容器製作技術以及其反映的社會內涵。本論文也會結合時空脈絡進行分析討論。比較不同時間點陶容器製作體系是否有所變化,亦討論不同空間的陶容器是否有差異。 經過本研究初步的分析與討論,富源製陶技術體系有一定程度的一致性。在技術成熟度上,比較不同類別陶片後仍有所差異,可能與需求、特殊象徵意義、器物功能有關。而在時間脈絡下,發現質地較軟的泥質陶容器隨著時間推演數量明顯下降,在較深層位出土的帶繩紋陶也多屬該類泥質陶容器,推測該類陶容器可能與早期的流行風格相關。另外陶容器燒製技術在晚期有稍加提升,而陶土篩選度稍下降,但整體上富源遺址的技術體系有著相當一致的製陶傳統,並沒有特別劇烈的變化,古富源人群應在當地穩定生活一段時間,並維持一貫的製陶模式。而在本研究討論的空間範圍中並沒有發現不同空間的陶容器有明顯差異,對於富源遺址內空間的利用需由未來的進一步研究來解答。


Craft production is influenced by various factors, including social relations, social organization, the demand for crafts, the environment and cultural symbols. Thus, manufacturing technology can reflect how the ancient society worked. The aim of this study is to examine the technical system on the basis of pottery recovered in a Neolithic site of Hualien ─ Fuyuan Site. Besides, this study focused on the degree of skill which can be analyzed by some indexes. Time and space scales were also discussed in this thesis. The results revealed that the way the ancient Fuyuan people making their pottery didn’t change much. However, the firing skill improved in the more recent period, there is a possibility that they chose to make more effort to firing process. Overall, their ceramic technical system remained the same tradition for a period of time, showing a certain degree of consistency in pottery manufacturing. The ancient Fuyuan people might not have the need to change their way of living, or even with some incentives, they still decided to perform the same tradition year after year.


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