  • 學位論文


Education/Skill Match and Job Satisfaction:An Examination of the Mediator Effect of Job Stress

指導教授 : 陸怡蕙


工作滿意度反映員工對工作直接及間接的心理感受,亦為決定員工與公司間僱傭關係之重要因素,架構出一個有效客觀的量化機制因此極為重要,不僅有利於管理者修正其經營策略,亦可進而提升員工的工作滿意度及工作績效。 本文主要探討教育與技能匹配與否對工作滿意度之影響,本研究依受訪者實際教育程度及同部門、職位之其他員工之主觀認定應具備教育程度之平均值,將教育匹配區分為過度教育、教育匹配及教育不足。技能匹配與否則是以受訪者針對「目前任職的工作的複雜度是您可勝任的」、「您能圓滿完成主管交付的工作事項」及「您在工作上遇到的問題往往能獨力解決」等三問項的認知,來衡量員工是否具備勝任目前的主要工作內容。本文之研究對象為台北市國際觀光旅館的員工,以Herzberg(1966)的動機–環境雙因子模型(motivator-hygiene two-factor model)及Smith et al. (1969)的工作描述指標(job description index)為問卷設計依據來制定工作滿意度衡量表,並以多元迴歸模型檢視過度教育、教育不足及技能不匹配與對工作滿意度之影響。此外,與過往文獻不同,本文將工作壓力視為中介變項,分析教育及技能不匹配對工作滿意度之影響是否其實是透過其對工作壓力之影響所造成在。 本研究實證結果發現,教育不足並非決定台北市國際觀光旅館員工之工作滿意度的重要因子,而過度教育及技能不匹配卻會對工作滿意度產生顯著之負向影響。本研究針對工作壓力中介效果之檢定結果則顯示,工作壓力在教育不匹配與工作滿意度之間並不存在中介效果,然而在技能匹配與工作滿意度間則扮演部分中介效果的角色。此外,本研究之實證結果亦顯示,若員工所學與工作相關,其技能匹配比例較高,工作滿意度亦較高,說明學以致用的重要性。基於前述實證結果,本研究建議,未來在進行工作滿意度之相關研究時,應將教育及技能匹配納為影響工作滿意度之重要因素。而另一個重要因素則是學以致用,若員工所學與工作相關,其技能匹配比例較高,工作滿意度亦較高。再者,由於本研究發現是否由餐飲及旅館相關科系畢業,為另一個影響國際觀光旅館員工工作滿意度之重要因素,因此建議國際觀光旅館業者在招聘員工之時,可以將是否受過相關專業訓練列為考核的重點項目之一。


Job satisfaction reflects employees' direct and indirect psychological feelings towards their work. It is also an important factor in determining the employment relationship between employees and companies. Constructing an effective and objective quantitative mechanism to evaluate employees’ job satisfaction is therefore beneficial for managers to adjust their human resource management strategies and enhance employees' satisfaction. This paper mainly discusses the impact of education and skill matching on job satisfaction. The variables that measure education matching are divided into over-education, education matching and under-education. Skill matching are divided into skill matching and skill mismatch. This study seeks to analyze the employees’ satisfaction of the Taipei’s International Tourist hotels. Using Herzberg's (1966) motivator-hygiene two-factor model and Smith et al.’s (1969) job description index. Develop a job satisfaction measurement form and analyze the correlation and impact of each factor and job satisfaction with a multiple regression model. In addition, this paper regards work stress as an mediating variable, and analyzes the mediating effect of work stress on education and skill matching between job satisfaction. The empirical results of this study found that under- education is not an important factor in determining the job satisfaction of International Tourist Hotels staff, while over-education and skill mismatch have a significant negative impact on job satisfaction. The results of the study on the effect of work stress mediation show that there is no intermediary effect between education matching and job satisfaction, but it plays a part of mediating effect between skill matching and job satisfaction. In addition, the empirical results of this study also show that if employees graduated from department of hospitality management, their skill matching ratio and job satisfaction is higher, indicating the importance of applying what they have learned. Based on the above empirical results, this study suggests that in the future research on job satisfaction, education and skill matching should be included as an important factor affecting job satisfaction. Another important factor is the employee’s “putting what’s been learned to good use”. Since this study found that graduating from department of hospitality management is one important factor affecting the job satisfaction of international tourist hotels’ employees, it is recommended that international tourist hotel managers keep high standard on professional qualifications when recruiting employees.


