  • 學位論文


A Gate Driver IC for GaN-Based Synchronous Buck Converter

指導教授 : 陳景然


近年來,高切換頻率之降壓型轉換器被廣泛應用於各式各樣的電子消費性產品中。高切換頻率轉換器有許多優點包括更高的功率密度、更快速的暫態響應。氮化鎵元件因為其材料特性,比起傳統矽元件更適合應用在高切換頻率的轉換器應用上,然而氮化鎵元件的閘極驅動存在挑戰。本論文提出一適合增強型氮化鎵電晶體的閘極驅動積體電路,並且實現一10MHz,輸入電壓12V,輸出電壓5V的降壓型轉換器。論文提出一動態上拉電阻閘極驅動電路,在不增加切換損失的前提下,抑制因電路中的寄生電感所產生的振鈴。並提出一主動自舉式電路,以解決傳統自舉式電路應用在氮化鎵降壓型轉換器中造成過充的問題。並改善傳統的位準轉換器的延遲時間、功耗、共模位準雜訊抑制能力。上述所提出之電路,使用台積電0.25μm BCD製程實現,晶片面積為1.5平方毫米包含自舉式電容。經量測結果,動態上拉電阻驅動電路可有效抑制400豪伏特的振鈴,主動自舉式電路可以有效改善過充的問題,整體降壓型轉換器效率在10MHz切頻下最高可達到90.1%。


In recent years, high switching frequency buck converters are widely used in consumer electronics applications. High switching frequency converter has advantages such as higher power density and faster transient response. Comparing to traditional silicon devices, GaN devices are more suitable for high switching frequency applications due to the material characteristic. However, there are challenges in GaN gate driving. This thesis proposed a gate driver IC for enhancement-mode GaN and implemented a 12V-to-5V buck converter with 10MHz switching frequency. This thesis proposed a dynamic pull-up resistor gate driver to suppress the voltage spike caused by the parasitic inductances without increasing the switching loss. An active bootstrap circuit is proposed to avoid overcharging issue in GaN-based buck converter applications. The propagation delay, power consumption and common-mode transient immunity of traditional level shifter are also being improved. The gate driver IC was fabricated in a 0.25 μm TSMC Bipolar-CMOS-DMOS process. The chip area is 1.5 mm2 with integrated bootstrap capacitor. Measurement results verified the proposed control. From the measurement result, the dynamic pull-up resistor suppressed 400mV voltage; active bootstrap can solve the overcharging issue effectively. The maximum efficiency of the buck converter achieved up to 90.1% in 10MHz switching frequency.


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