  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationships between Tile Temperature Difference and Natural Environment Factors using Infrared Thermographer

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


台灣地處亞熱帶地區,年降雨量豐富,氣候潮濕,建築物外牆長期在如此環境下容易加快其劣化行為,根據統計,全台房屋屋齡達三十年以上者超過三十萬棟,許多建築物長期缺乏維護管理,導致近年來,外牆磁磚掉落砸傷人事件時有所聞,影響公共安全。 如能事先檢測外牆磁磚的健全程度,就有機會事先防止磁磚的掉落,增加公眾安全性。檢測外牆磁磚是否劣化的方法眾多,包括破壞性與非破壞性檢測,其中,非破壞性檢測不會破壞外牆的完整性,且速度快,是比較常採用的方法。目前常見的非破壞性檢測有打音法、紅外線熱影像法、外觀目視法、超音波法等,紅外線熱影像法相比其他方法,其範圍較廣且不用直接接觸觀測對象,國內外已累積相當多研究採用紅外線熱影像法觀測磁磚,探討劣化磁磚與正常磁磚的差異。 劣化磁磚相對於正常的磁磚,和牆體之間的空氣層較厚,在太陽光的照射下,熱量不易傳遞至牆體,使得劣化磁磚表面溫度較正常磁磚高,產生一溫度差,根據文獻回顧,本研究認為不只太陽日照,氣溫、相對濕度都有機會影響外牆磁磚溫差。因此,本研究使用紅外線熱影像儀對實際使用中的建築物進行觀測,以高雄地區民宅外牆二丁掛磁磚為例,探討磁磚溫差與日照量之關係,以單因子變異數分析磁磚溫差是否會受日照量、氣溫以及相對濕度影響,結果顯示磁磚溫差會受到日照量高低影響,但是氣溫、相對濕度在統計上並無對磁磚溫差有顯著影響性。另外,本研究尚提出觀測磁磚溫差所需要的日照量最小值,供後續研究參考,期望研究成果能協助外牆磁磚檢測人員,正確判定影響磁磚溫差的因素,幫助提升外牆整建的效率與準確性。


Since Taiwan is located in the subtropical region, the weather is wet. External walls of the buildings in such environment tend to deteriorate. According to the statistics, there are more than three hundred thousand buildings in Taiwan over thirty years and most of them lack maintenance. Therefore, falling tiles are incidental and pose a danger for pedestrians walking the streets. With detecting tiles of external walls, it is possible to prevent falling tiles in advance. Methods of detecting tile deterioration, destructive testing and non-destructive testing included, are numerous. Non- destructive testing is commonly used and fast without damaging the integrity of external walls. At present, common non-destructive testing has tap tone method, infrared thermography method, visual method, ultrasonic pulse velocity method etc. Infrared thermography method compared to other methods, it has wider range and do not need to contact objects directly. Much research home and abroad has applied infrared thermography method to tiles for exploring the difference between deteriorated tiles and normal tiles. Through infrared thermography method, this research investigated whether solar radiation, temperature, humidity influence tile temperature difference, with two external walls of buildings in Kaohsiung as research objects. Additionally, this research proposed the minimum amount of solar radiation required to observe tile temperature difference for further research.


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