  • 學位論文


Hardware/Software Interface Synthesis for a Codesign Framework

指導教授 : 顧孟愷



Embedded system device driver developing has been identified as one of the most critical tasks in a System-on-Chip (SoC) design cycle. New tools and methodologies are required to improve the quality and development time of device drivers. We proposed a novel technique called “Expert Template” to meet this requirement. We also developed a methodology to co-simulate C/C++ software modules with SystemC derived hardware modules based on open-source tools and codes. Device driver source codes that are written by human experts are decomposed into extensible markup language (XML) structures. These parameterized structures are later reassembled back into source code form according to programmer specified parameters in XML tags. This tool enables automatic synthesis of device drivers from minimum descriptions. It allows developers to develop device driver from early design stages. Generic device drivers can be ported to various real-time operating systems (RTOS) easily. Our “Expert Template” also reduces the possible human errors in device driver development. The concept of expert template can be extended to reusable intellectual properties (IPs) as well. In this thesis, we first introduce the electronic system level (ESL) design trend and present our “Expert Template” approach. We then apply this new tool and our co-simulation methodology to realize a JPEG2000 codec design. The result shows that our “Expert Template” approach can improve the quality of source code and reduce the development time of device drivers.


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