  • 學位論文


Critical Success Factors of Value Engineering in Construction Industry: A Case Study of Japanese Company

指導教授 : 荷世平


價值工程於先進國家已行之有年,且為經常運用之成本管理技術,其理論與方法,以及運用的實務經驗已相當的成熟。台灣雖然也很早前就已引進,但在營造工程方面卻始終未能普遍應用。日本在導入價值工程方面,緊追美國之後,甚至後來居上,尤其在1974年石油危機之後,日本所有產業間開始承認且肯定了價值工程的存在必要性,並將其認定為公司管理系統中,要確保利潤的必要做法。日本企業文化特有的集體主義與夥伴關係,所創造的許多企業成功經驗,在過去幾十年來一直是被學者研究的議題,其之所以成功的原因,乃根源於日式文化的企管理方式與眾不同,因此日本之價值工程管理深具探討的價值。 就營造業而言,因為工法的創新變更以及工程材料因環境與科技的進步,以及近年來資訊科技的突飛猛進,讓營造業的工程師有機會從實務的工程中,發展出工程獨特的價值技術與管理。又基於營造廠是專案工程生命週期降低成本的最後的一道關卡,因此本論文以營造廠為研究對象,研究主題訂為“營造業價值工程之關鍵成功因子:日系營造廠之個案研究”。 本論文第一章緒論主要是詳細說明本論文的研究背景與動機,以及研究範圍與目的,希望能透過實際的個案調查與資料收集,有關價值工程導入成功案例的經驗,進行解析研究與歸納,找到最關鍵的價值工程成功導入因子(Critical Successful Factor, CSF),並建構一價值工程管理之關鍵成功因子模型。在第二章的文獻探討,主要為營造業有關的價值工程相關文獻與日式企業文化的特點,以及社會資本理論與資源基礎觀點的相關文獻。本論文採取歸納性質研究的個案研究方法,在第三章先確定整個研究流程與研究的架構,同時決定採用的個案研究方法。第四章為論文主軸價值工程個案研究,個案研究選擇日本知名建設公司熊谷組在台灣的子公司-華熊營造為研究對象,VE個案調查研究則選取華熊營造的一組施工團隊,依照第三章的研究方式,包括價值工程導入資料的收集以及必要VE作業的訪談整理,調查此施工團隊過去十幾年來歷經八個專案工程的歷程,並對於該施工團隊的每一個個案進行縱向個案調查(Within Case Study)與深度記錄。而第五章則依據第四章所彙整的每一個案縱向資料,進行跨個案歸納同質性或相關聯的橫向個案調查(Cross Case Study)與整理出有關價值工程推動得以成功的十大關鍵成功因子(CSFs)。第六章則就所歸納出的十大關鍵成功因子,進行闡釋案例研究(Explanatory Case Study)。第七章為結論與建議。整體而言,本論文不論在學術性方面或工程實務方面,本研究成果提供了一個新觀點與引導的方向。


Value Engineering (VE) has been put into practices for years and has been a frequently used technique for cost management in developed countries. However, although VE has been introduced in Taiwan very early, it has not been widely used in construction projects. In Japan, the practice of VE has gone beyond that in the United States. Especially after the oil crisis in 1974, all industries in Japan began to recognize and affirm the necessity of VE and identified it as a necessary way to ensure profits in company management system. In the past few years, scholars have been interested in the successful and unique business management that is closely associated with the collectivism and partnership in Japanese corporate culture. Therefore, in this research, we shall study the Japanese-style management of VE. On the other hand, project construction is the final stage to reduce the cost of construction projects. Moreover, in recent years, because of the rapid development of information technology and the resulting innovation in engineering methods and materials, engineers in the construction industry have been given great potentials to develop unique VE techniques and management in practice. In this research we choose a Japanese construction firm in Taiwan as a research object and try to explore the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) and build a CSF model for VE management through this case study. The organizations of this thesis are as follows. The first chapter explains the background, motivation, as well as scope and purpose of this research. The second chapter includes the literature reviews on VE in construction industry, Japanese corporate culture, social capital theory and resource-based view. In chapter three we identified the research process and structure as well as the research method - inductive research of case study. In the fourth chapter we selected Taiwan Kumagai, the subsidiary company of the famous Japanese construction company Kumagai Gumi Co., Ltd., as our research object. We selected a construction team in Taiwan Kumagai and surveyed its eight projects over the past decades. Following the research method mentioned in chapter three, we conducted within case study in each case and data collection and interview of VE process. In the fifth chapter, we conducted cross case study of relevant cases and summarized ten CSFs. Base on these factors, we conducted an explanatory case study in the sixth chapter. The final chapter includes conclusions and suggestions. Overall, this research provides a new perspective and direction for academic and engineering practice.


1. U.S. Army, Management Engineering Training Agency (1968), “Principles and Applications of Value Engineering,” Department of Defense Joint Course Book, Vol.1, Rock Island II.
2. Consulting Value Specialists, Inc.(1992), Value Engineering in Design and Construction.
3. Edward R. Fisk P. E. (1984) , Value Engineering, Construction Project Administration, Chapter 15, 中興工程,第5期,第95-105頁.