  • 學位論文


A study for improvement of product quality feedback for a multi-national information corporation

指導教授 : 黃明達


產品品質成本的控制一向是高科技產業極為重視的領域,其對企業的獲利有極大的影響,根據統計因產品品質問題而導致的內外部失敗成本常佔整體產品品質成本比例50%以上。因此,如何降低失敗成本是高科技業必須不斷思考的議題。 本論文之研究目的為整理個案公司現有之產品售後品質回饋流程、分析個案公司現有之產品售後品質回饋流程中可改善之問題點,並針對各問題點提出對應的改善方案及針對所提出之改善方案,分析所能產生之效益。 經整理個案公司現有產品售後品質回饋流程中發現有手工製作分析報表、蒐集壞品為email通知、全球維修資料中有部份不正確之資料、經銷商透過email反應問題等4個問題點,而此4個問題點分別會影響售後品質回饋流程之效率性、正確性及資料可分析性,本研究提出可藉由導入應用系統功能模組以強化效率、維持資料之正確性及強化資料之可分析性,並針對其中之導入品質分析自動化報表模組分析其導入效益,估計其導入後可降低每年產品DOA成本約新台幣3,000萬元、產品二次返修成本約新台幣1,300萬元及減少品牌價值受損約新台幣850萬元。


產品品質 品質回饋


The cost of quality control have a great impact on the profitability of the enterprise, according to statistics due to product quality problems caused by the failure of cost often more than 50% of the total quality cost ratio. How to reduce the cost of failed enterprises must constantly think about the issues. The purpose of this study was to collate cases the aftermarket quality feedback process, analyze the points of improvement in the quality of its existing product after-sales feedback process, and corresponding improvement plan for the proposed improvement plan for each point in the problem to analyze the effectiveness that can be derived. Manual production of analysis reports and to collect the bad products for an email notification process, some incorrect information in the global maintenance data, dealers email response problem 4 problem points, respectively, will affect the after-sales quality feedback has been collated process efficiency, accuracy and data analysis, this study by introducing the functional modules of the application system to strengthen the efficiency, to maintain the accuracy of the information and strengthen the information can be analyzed, and for which the import of quality analysis automation The report module import efficiency, the estimated import can reduce the cost of annual product DOA(Dead-On-Arrival) NT $ 30 million, secondary product rework cost about NT $ 13 million and reducing the brand value of damage to NT $ 8.5 million.


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