  • 學位論文

應用於藥物釋放裝置之設計與分析 - 以高分子聚合物溶劑為例

Design and analysis for a drug release device - for instance in polymer solvent

指導教授 : 呂志誠


本研究利用微小型機械式結構進行儲存及藥物釋放,目的為取代傳統型醫療行為中,使用針筒來傳遞藥物的方式。本研究方法乃選擇一通過認證的鈦金屬植體,並使用Pro/Engineer設計出可與此鈦金屬植體結構相對應之機構,此機構有一存放液體藥物的腔室,搭配可選擇刻度位移式或壓力式兩種機械式推桿裝置,使用高分子聚合物-甲聚醣調製不同濃度的溶液進行釋放實驗。位移式釋出的重量百分比可從0.283 %至1.095 %,另一壓力式釋出的重量百分比可從0.021 %至0.885 %,因此兼具儲存與準確藥物釋放的功能,以利於未來可應用於人體中的藥物傳遞。此外在壓電式推進方式,使用COMSOL Multiphysics流場模擬軟體,進行壓電流體耦合結構分析,其結果發現氧化鋅壓電片,經過逆電壓效應,平均出口流速可達3.31*10-6 mm/s,實際購得壓電片進行實驗,結果顯示有壓電片的高分子釋出量在80分鐘後可比無壓電片增加50 %,而由此兩種不同的藥物釋放機構,可針對不同需求之藥物做釋放上的應用,機構設計與人工牙植體結合,以期可植入口腔中之上頷骨位置,因此處含有較多的結締與血液組織,可利於乘載機構與藥物的釋放。


藥物釋放 高分子 機械 壓電


In this study, the use of micro mechanical structure for storage and drug release, intended to replace traditional medical activity, use syringes to drug delivery approach. Choose a Certified titanium explants, and using Pro / Engineer designs can Correspondingly institutional structure of titanium metal implant, this mechanism has a liquid medicine storage chamber, with selectable scale displacement or pressure type two mechanical pusher, and the use of polymer - chitosan solution was prepared with different concentrations of the release experiment. Weight percentage of displacement can be released from 0.283% to 1.095%, another weight percentage Pressure released from 0.021% to 0.885%, so both storage and accurate drug delivery function, can be used to facilitate drug delivery in the future of the human body. In addition, in the piezoelectric propulsion, flow field using COMSOL Multiphysics simulation software, perform structural analysis of piezoelectric fluid coupling, the results found that the zinc oxide piezoelectric, after converse piezoelectric effect the average outlet velocity was 3.31*10-6 mm/s, actual available piezoelectric for experiment, the results showed an increase of 50% polymer in the piezoelectric more than another without piezoelectric after 80 minutes, the two different drugs to release, and applications can be made on the release of drugs for different needs, the design combined agency dental implants and artificial, to be implanted in the mouth above the maxillary position, because at contain more connective tissue and blood, can be beneficial to take the set and the drug release mechanism.


drug release polymer mechanical piezoelectric


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