  • 學位論文


The Study of Waste Foundry Sand Recycling and Reutilization -Iron Recovery and Foundry Sand Separation of Green-Sand

指導教授 : 丁原智


本研究以鑄鐵工廠之廢棄溼鑄砂為研究對象,利用篩網將樣品分為四部分:第一部分為 8mesh以上;第二部分為 8mesh以下至30mesh以上;第三部分為30mesh以下至50mesh以上;第四部分為50mesh以下至100mesh以上,再透過包括︰磁力分選、洗桌、濕式渦錐分選等資源處理設計,來進行分選實驗,並探討其分選效果。 實驗結果顯示,8mesh以上之廢鑄砂,含鐵重量百分比達到67%,可直接回收利用; 8mesh以下至30mesh以上之廢鑄砂,藉由濕式磁力分選,將砂粒與鐵粒有效分離,其含鐵重量百分比可達63.22%;30mesh以下至50mesh以上及50mesh以下至100mesh以上之廢鑄砂,利用顆粒比重差異特性,以洗桌來進行分選效果佳,其含鐵重量百分比分別已達55.80%及56.10%。


廢鑄砂 濕鑄砂 再利用


This research chose the Waste Foundry Sand sampling from the Foundry as the object of study. The samples were divided into four groups according to different screen sizes. The first samples are over 8 mesh; the second samples are between 8 mesh and 30 mesh; the third samples are between 30 mesh and 50 mesh; the fourth ones are between 50 mesh and 100 mesh. The further methods for sample separation include magnetic separation, shaking table and hydrocyclone separation; and its separation effects will be further discussed. The experiment results have shown that those of +8 mesh, the Fe wt% achieving 67% can be recycled directly. As for those between -8 mesh and +30 mesh, processed with the wet magnetic separation, the sand grains and the iron grains can be effectively separated, with the Fe wt% achieving 63.22%. Regarding the samples which grain size between -30 mesh ~ +50 mesh and -50 mesh ~ +100 mesh, conducted with shaking table can get better separation efficiency than others by using the feature of gravity difference, with the Fe wt% achieving 55.80% and 56.10% individually.


Waste Foundry Sand Green-Sand Iron Reutilization


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