  • 學位論文


Preparation of Highly Porous Composite Polymer Material by High Internal Phase Emulsions

指導教授 : 陳志恆


多孔洞複合高分子材料擁有良好的應用前景。在各種多孔性聚合物材料中,藉由高內相乳法 (HIPEs) 做為模板的合成技術受到高度的注目,其製備的多孔性聚合物材料可藉由控制乳化液之特性來調控,具有可調孔徑和孔洞大小等優點,是極具有工業價值的一種技術。 近年來,以固體顆粒穩定的乳化液 (Pickering HIPEs) 越來越受到的關注,固體顆粒的添加可以減少界面活性劑的使用量或是避免使用小分子的界面活性劑,以減少對環境的影響。將這些固體顆粒添加到乳液裡,不僅能當作界面活性劑使用,還能兼具這些顆粒的特性,賦予聚合物材料某些特殊的性能,例如光學、磁學、電學、化學等性能。 本研究主要是以固態乳化技術配合聚高內相乳化液技術 (poly-HIPEs) 製備多孔性聚合物材料,使用Span80、ZnO、Span80/ZnO三種乳化穩定劑製備高內向乳化液。結果得知最低可使用Span80及ZnO最低1wt%添加量即可製備出內水相高達90%之乳化液,並聚合得一多孔性聚合物材料。


The highly porous composite polymer materials have many good and prospect applications. Preparation of highly porous composite polymer material by High Internal Phase Emulsion method (HIPEs) has attracted high interests. The pore size and pore diameter can be controlled by varying the properties of the emulsion. HIPEs is a technology of great industrial value. In recent years, Pickering emulsion has drawn great deal of attention. The application of solid particles to replace surfactant can reduce the use of small molecule surfactants, that are not environmentally friendly. In addition, since the solid particles was added to the emulsion, these particles can impart some special properties to the highly porous composite polymer material, e.g. electrical, optical, thermal, magnetic, chemical properties and catalytic activity etc.. This study focused on the preparation of highly porous poly-HIPEs composite polymer material by Pickering emulsion technology. Preparation HIPEs by three different type of emulsifiers - Span80.ZnO and Span80/ZnO. From the results, the highly porous composite polymer material could be polymerization with the minimum emulsifiers addition (1wt%) for each of span 80 and ZnO particle to obtain the emulsion at 90% of internal phase volume.


Pickering HIPEs Composite Material


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