  • 學位論文


Research of Marketing Planning of Modern Dance Organization in Hong Kong ──A Case Study of City Contemporary Dance Company

指導教授 : 朱宗慶
共同指導教授 : 曾介宏(Jieh-horng Tseng)


在當今亞洲地區中,香港的城市當代舞蹈團(以下簡稱CCDC)是其中一個最早以全職現代舞團姿態出現的舞蹈組織,成立至今已有三十三年。一般認為,由於其所建立之品牌非常成功,因此成為新進組織的習效對象。本研究之研究者(以下簡稱研究者)一方面認為,CCDC已為一個發展成熟的藝術組織,但要持續保持其產業優勢,創造更大的獲利空間,其行銷策略是相當重要的一環,值得探討。另一方面,舞團創辦宗旨不單是創辦人對舞團發展的願景,也是舞團特質的來源,品牌建立的核心價值,以及永續發展的泉源。 不過因為時代的變遷,表演藝術的觀眾人口正在不斷老化,導致年輕觀眾的建立成為組織長遠規劃的重要任務之一。因此在本研究中,研究者經過資料蒐集、田野調查、實地觀察、訪談香港文化藝術工作者彙整相關質性研究資料,以對CCDC的現行行銷市場、行銷規劃、建立與培養年輕觀眾族群和延伸對品牌與永續發展等議題,加以詮釋並論述研究發現和結果。最後,綜合提出八項相關建議,並以SWOT矩陣策略配對和歸納所得,作為CCDC當前和未來的長遠行銷規劃、永續發展之建議。期望香港有關當局及本土藝術組織,以本研究作為政策和行銷規劃制定之參考。


City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC) is one of the earliest full-time professional companies pioneering in contemporary dance in Asia which has been established for 33 years. Successful branding of CCDC is recognized generally and be bench-marked by new organizations. The researcher believes CCDC has been developed as a mature artistic organization. It is very important to look into its marketing strategy to create greater profit margin and upkeep its privilege in the industry. Nevertheless, the objective of CCDC is not only simply the vision of the founder but also the characteristics of the company, the core value of its branding and the origin of its sustainability. As times gone by, organizing long term strategies including build up next generation audience become an important mission as the audience of performing art started aging. In this study, the researcher conducted references research, field trip, observations and interviews to analyze the topics like CCDC current marketing plans in market, attract younger generation to be the targeted audience, its branding and sustainable development, etc. Consequently, the researcher provides 8 recommendations based on the findings and conclusions in Chapter 5. Nevertheless, the researcher provides SWOT Matrix for suggesting CCDC’s marketing strategies and sustainability in future. It is expected local art organizations and Hong Kong authorities can reference to this study.


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