  • 學位論文


A Study of Taiwan Electronics Firms' Purchasing Practices to Satisfy Eu Environment Protection and Green Supply Chain Requirements

指導教授 : 朱詣尹


有鑑於在邁入廿一世紀後環境管理相關議題已經是正式納入全球的策略議程之中,任何國家企業團體,甚至個人均無法再視之為一般環境事件。而其中對我國電子業影響最大的環保條款莫過於WEEE及RoHS的環保規範要求,為求企業保持競爭優勢,產品導入WEEE及RoHS的綠色要求是勢在必行的。 本研究分別以廣義電子業之上、下游包括光電業、封測業及電子組裝業分析歐盟物質禁限用物質指令對台灣電子產業的衝擊。公司內部與外部供應商的連絡單位採購是如何運用供應鏈策略採購去協助公司去達成階段性的目標。經由研究後發現採購單位導入綠色供應鏈即可達成階段性的綠色產品目標,而再配合ISO 14000綠色採購程序導入綠色採購後可以幫助企業為施行更嚴格的法規預作準備,以期未來導入嚴格法規要求時,可減小對企業的衝擊及縮短產品上巿的時程。在同時也發現導入綠色採購並非只有建立企業形象的無形益處,也有著企業費用節約的實際益處。 藉由本研究建立綠色供應鏈及綠色採購導入模式,以為企業實際施行時作為參考,以期縮短企業導入時的摸索期,加強企業的競爭優勢。


The environment management issues have been formally adopted on the global agenda; any enterprises and organizations can no longer consider them normal incidents. Among those environmental protection clauses, there are the WEEE and RoHS which have the most impacts on the electronic industries in Taiwan. It is imperative for the enterprises to adopt WEEE and RoHS for all their products to gain the competitive advantages. This thesis first studied how WEEE and RoHS might impact the Taiwan’s electronic industries in upstream and downstream including electronic manufacturing, assembly and test companies. It then analyzed how a company’s purchasing teams worked with external suppliers to formulate the green supply chain strategy to achieve a phased progress in meeting the requirements. It found through the case studies that the purchasing teams, in corporation with the suppliers, were able to accomplish the short term green-product goal by adopting the green purchasing practices. In addition, the ISO 14000 green purchasing procedures integrated in the green purchasing practices could help meet the more strict laws and regulations; thus it could reduce the impacts on the companies’ operations and shorten the launching time of products when the more strict laws and regulations are required. Moreover, the green purchase practices not only helped establishing the company’s image but gained the practical benefit of cost reduction.


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