  • 學位論文


The impact of technology evolution on green product strategies

指導教授 : 蘇哲平


隨著環保議題越來越受世人重視,以往產品汰換速率極快的消費性產品為了環保及法規等相關因素,從產品定位、政府規範、到產品上市策略等都必須重新審視。雖然綠色產品對環境有利,但仍有不少消費者不願付出較高的價格購買較環保的產品,且綠色產品伴隨而來的高成本也令廠商對推出綠色產品裹足不前。 本研究首先利用數學模型決定最佳的價格、功能品質(functional quality)以追求利潤最大化,並探討廠商在什麼情境下願意發展成本相對較高,但是可使用較久的耐用性產品。 本文研究當提升傳統品質(traditional quality)與環保品質(environmental quality)的成本是互相衝突(Zero-sum)或是相得益彰(Synergy)其中一種情境時對綠色產品策略的影響。 在傳統品質與環保品質對不同消費群有不同效益的前提下,本研究利用數學模型決定最佳的價格、傳統品質、與環保品質以追求利潤最大化,我們也探討政府是否應該輔助廠商發展相關技術,在提高環保品質的同時也兼顧傳統品質。 此外,環保產品的上市策略可由推出的產品數與上市時機(timing of introduction)兩方面來探討。首先,在產品數方面,我們探討在什麼情況下廠商會提供不同的產品給不同的客戶群以達到市場區隔 (Market Segmentation)的目的;在什麼情況下廠商則採取單一產品(Mass Marketing)策略,即僅生產一種產品給所有客戶群。並討論政府對環保品質的規範如何影響這兩種策略的選擇。同時,我們也研究廠商在何種情況下將採用同時上市(Simultaneous Introduction)策略,即在同一時期同時推出高階與低階產品,以及何種情況下將採用高低階產品前後兩期分別上市(Sequential Introduction)策略。


Due to the rising awareness of environmental protection and stringent regulations, the ability to manage environmental friendly or so called green product become an important and competitive advantage. In this paper, we develop the mathematical models to decide the optimal price and functional quality to maximize profit. The closed form solutions are found, and we derive the conditions under which manufacturers are willing to offer durable products which can last for two periods. We also study how two technologies, Zero-Sum and Synergy, impact the green product strategy such as how the green product is positioned, the impact of government regulation, and the timing of introductions. Zero-sum means that the improvement of environmental quality comes at a cost of decreasing traditional quality. On the other hand, Synergy indicates the technology which can improve environmental and traditional quality at the same time. We develop mathematical models to decide the optimal price, traditional quality, and environmental quality to maximize profit. IWe explore the conditions when the company adopts Market Segmentation strategy which two products are offered to two different market segments, or Mass Marketing strategy in which only one product is offered. We also discuss the effects of government regulations on the strategies and whether the government should subsidize the development of Synergy technology. We also study how technology impacts the strategy of green product introduction. If two products are offered, should company adopt simultaneous introduction strategy in which two products are introduced at the same time, or sequential introduction strategy where the two products are introduced sequentially.


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