  • 學位論文


Chronological Changes and Developments in Relationships between Body Experiences and Household Kitchens

指導教授 : 陳其澎


本文以探討臺灣本島自1895年到2018年歷經124年之間常民煮食空間型態從20年代傳統灶腳、60年代三件式廚具、80年代功能主義廚房一直到21世紀初期所興起的廚房文化時間歷程中,女性長久以來為社會價值體系所形塑出的煮食角色並被侷囿在煮食空間內其煮食行為、煮食經驗中女性身體與煮食空間之間的互動過程中,以其自身身體經驗透過對空間、對設備以及對自我用以脈絡化的觀察、分析後從而提出隱含於‘煮食’之於女性對其意涵與他我觀點加以闡述之後,進一步以女性主義觀點反思其‘煮食’之於女人的意涵,從而促使女性跨越到女人邁向一自覺、自醒、自性獨立自主之路,並且重新定義與賦予‘煮食’之於女人的內在意涵與觀點,並且從三個面向加以論述: (一)‘煮食空間’、‘煮食設備’、‘煮食行為’與‘煮食經驗’發展歷程 (二)從‘手作’到‘機械’煮食過程中女性身體經驗歷程 (三)從‘性別化的空間’到‘自主性空間’女人自主意識之覺醒到自我發展之過程


Throughout the entire 124 years of Taiwanese history from 1895 to 2018, there are several roles that a kitchen has served. In the 20s, the kitchen was equipped only with a range. In the 60s, three-piece kitchen sets had been popular while in the 80s, the kitchen had carried multiple functions. The rise of kitchen culture in the 21st century, females have set foot in the realization of self-awareness, self-consciousness and autonomy. Centuries ago, the kitchen served a confined space where women was restricted to cook; however, the interactions with the space and the kitchen equipment have enabled them to deeply experience and observe this aspect of intercommunication. Cooking itself has shifted from a typical household chore to a practice that leads women to recognize the value of this art. The growing of feminism allows women to re-define the art of cooking, and the following three discourses account for its new definition. The process to create space, install equipment and broaden experience related to cooking Females’ actual experiences in cooking manually and equipmentally The raising of self-awareness in females by shifting from the space defined by genders to that by autonomy


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