  • 學位論文

Making Community Work:社會資本與社區參與相關性之研究

Making Community Work: Study of Correlation between Social Capital and Community Participation.

指導教授 : 黃源協


在社區的脈絡中,社區參與(community participation)是專家學者們長久以來所極力倡導的理念,同時也是從事社區工作所應秉持的原則。然而,在現代化與全球化趨勢的衝擊之下,人們對社區事務的參與似乎日漸式微。而近二十年來,社會資本(social capital)的概念已成為各學科領域重要的研究議題,許多文獻亦指出,其所具備之凝聚與連結的功能,將能夠為社區各方面的發展帶來正面的助益。基於此,本研究的目的在於探討社會資本與社區參與兩個概念的相關性,並分析兩者對彼此的影響。   本研究採取PPS抽樣的方式,針對臺中市與南投縣30個社區的居民進行結構式問卷訪談,納入前測的樣本後,實際用以分析的樣本共計534位。透過統計分析技術,首先瞭解居民人口特質與社會資本及社區參與之間的關係,接著再以迴歸的方式,分析社會資本與社區參與對彼此的影響,主要的研究發現如下: 1. 不同的人口特質在社會資本上有所差異。內聚型社會資本的影響,主要來自家戶內部特質,包括家庭型態、家庭的收入與婚姻狀況等。而在橋接型社會資本方面,則相對偏向家戶外部特質,像是房屋的所有權和居住社區的時間。 2. 不同的人口特質在社區參與上亦有所不同。研究發現,男性及教育程度較高者,有較高的社區參與程度。而在社區參與類型方面,不同的人口特質屬性者,其所偏好的社區參與類型也有所區隔。 3. 整體而言,社會資本對社區參與有正向的解釋力。各社會資本類型是以「橋接型社會資本」對社區參與的解釋力最為顯著。而社會資本要素當中,則是以「網絡」為最重要的解釋變項,橋接型與連結型網絡對社區參與有正面的影響,且隨著社區參與層級的提升,連結型網絡的重要性隨之增加。而內聚型網絡對社區參與的影響則為負向。 4. 最後,社區參與的過程亦有助於社會資本存量的累積。各社區參與層次中,以最低的「告知」以及最高的「決策與倡導」層次對社會資本有顯著的影響。研究也發現不同的社區參與類型對於社會資本的貢獻亦有所差異。   最後,依據研究結果與發現,就社會資本與社區參與的政策、實務與學術三方面,分別提出可能的意涵與相關建議。


社會資本 社區參與 社區


Based on the context of community, community participation has been an important idea promoted by community professionals and scholars for a long time, and it is also an essential principle of community work practice. However, due to the impacts of modernization and globalization, that people nowadays involve in community affairs seems declining. In the last two decades, social capital has become an important issue in many disciplines. In addition, in many literatures, we also find that the functions of coherence and solidarity produced by social capital have positive influences on communities. As mentioned above, the study aims to examine the correlation between social capital and community participation and analyze the mutual effects of these two concepts.   The study was implemented at 30 communities in Taichung City and Nantou County. Samples were selected by proportional to population size sampling (PPS) and investigated by structure questionnaire. 534 samples, including 31 samples of pretest, were used in statistical analysis. This study analyzes the relations between the resident’s demographic characteristics, social capital and community participation. Furthermore, regression is used to explore and explain the effects of social capital and community participation. The main findings of this study are listed below. 1) The stock of social capital varies with different demographic characteristics. The variables, such as family types, income, and the marital status, affect mostly on bonding social capital. As for bridging social capital, the main influences are the factors, such as ownership of house and duration of residence etc. 2) People participate in community affairs are also different according to variations of demographic characteristics. Based on the study findings, the males and people who are with higher education level have higher degree of community participation than the females and the lower educated people. As to community participation type, the residents who belong to different demographic characteristics also have varied preferences of types of community participation. 3) In general, social capital has positive impacts on community participation. This study finds that bridging social capital has the mostly significant influence on community participation. In all of the social capital factors, networks play the most important role to community participation. Networks of bridging and linking social capital have positive influences on community participation; in addition, the higher level of community affairs people participate in, the more important networks of linking social capital becomes. On the contrary, networks of bonding social capital have negative impact on community participation. 4) Community participation has promoted stock of community social capital as well. In all of the community participation levels, the lowest level which named ‘notification’ and the highest level which named ‘decision making and initiative’ both have significant influences on social capital. This study also finds out that the effects of community participation types on social capital are different from one to the others.   Finally, based on the study findings, the implications for community policy, practice, and research of social capital and community participation were discussed in the study.


王中天(2003)。社會資本(Social Capital):概念、源起、及現況。問題與研究,42(5),頁139-163。


