  • 學位論文


Research on NFC-based Game

指導教授 : 葉耀明


智慧型手機興起,行動上網與手機應用程式開啟了新的遊戲潮流,人們低頭把玩自己的手機遊戲已經是一種常態。近場通訊是一個新的技術,他的特色是可以感應手機外部的近場通訊標籤或者是另外一隻手機的近場通訊資訊。因此,把舊有的手機遊戲或者是傳統遊戲融合近場通訊技術,就能產生一種新型態的遊戲,以增加玩家與實體世界之間的互動。 本研究將近場通訊技術運用到手機應用程式上,使傳統遊戲可以藉由本研究所開發出的近場通訊遊戲運作模式來發展出智慧型手機版本,並且希望能知道使用者對於近場通訊遊戲的接受度。本研究提出了一個近場通訊遊戲運作模式,使傳統遊戲可以結合近場通訊功能與手機。本研究亦提出了數種近場通訊模式,讓傳統遊戲中的交流過程,可以依賴這些近場通訊模式。 問卷顯示使用者對於近場通訊遊戲感到新奇,同時認為近場通訊遊戲可以增加人與人互動的機會,近距離的接觸也能提供與異性交流的機會。近場通訊標籤可以重複利用以及好保存的特性,也讓使用者感到印象深刻。本研究顯示近場通訊遊戲有助於拉近人與人之間的關係,且使用者接受也樂於遊玩近場通訊遊戲


近場通訊 遊戲 Android


Owing to the rising of smartphones, mobile internet and smartphone applications create new trend of game. People lower their heads and concentrate attention on smartphone all the time. Near Field Communication (NFC) is a new technology which can provide smartphones to read/write data with non-contact NFC tag or another smartphones. Combing existing mobile games or traditional games with NFC technology will result a new type of game which can enhance player interaction with real world. Our research uses NFC technology on smartphone applications. We develop smartphone-version traditional games by using the NFC game operation model proposed in our research. We also conduct the survey of the user acceptance level on our NFC games. Our research builds a NFC game operation model which combines traditional games with NFC technology and smartphone. Our research also builds some NFC models to provide traditional game information exchange. Questionnaire shows that users feel fresh and think NFC games increase chances to interact with others. Our NFC games also provide user’s chances to interact among genders. Users feel impressive with our games for their ability to reuse and keep NFC tags easily. Our research shows that NFC games can bring people closer, which can provide users willing to play NFC games.


NFC Game Android


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