  • 學位論文


Key Factor of Industry 4.0 in Improving Manufacturing System Resilience

指導教授 : 張洝源


隨著德國政府於2013年正式提出工業4.0的概念,使資訊與設備的整合已成為工業發展的重要議題;工業4.0的導入,帶領製造系統走向多元化生產,現今自動化的大量生產經營模式已非主流,多樣少量的客製化產品方能滿足顧客需求,並將帶動全球工業技術不斷邁進。工業4.0是一種將製造業數位化的概念,結合既有的技術,讓人、機器與虛擬環境三者之間進行溝通與分析。藉由物聯網(IOT)與虛實整合系統(CPS)的導入,在產品與設備之間,透過網路傳遞資訊,在低生產成本的條件下,生產客製化的多元產品,產生獨特性,增強企業營運能力,以維持競爭優勢。韌性一詞最初用於材料科學中,意指物體承受應力時對斷裂的抵禦能力。近幾年韌性被工業界所引用,用於探討企業以及供應鏈承受外部衝擊與內部不協調的能力,使損失幅度降至最低。本研究將韌性用於製造系統中,評估系統受到意外事故影響後,系統抵禦能力。 本研究依文獻回顧,探討影響製造系統績效的意外事故,定義一個製造系統韌性的評估方法,進行韌性評估,繼而求得此製造系統的韌性強度。其次,討論製造系統目前導入工業4.0的情況,經由分析與計算工業4.0導入成效,再深入了解韌性與工業4.0之間的關聯性,從工業4.0導入情況中,找出有效提升製造系統韌性的關鍵技術。 本研究以工具機業為實證對象,採用意外事件評估韌性能力,結合工業4.0技術效能評估,最後透過相鄰約略集合理論找出關鍵技術。結果顯示在工業4.0的導入技術中,「產品資訊的儲存與查詢技術」、「生產加工機台預測維修」與「生產資訊傳遞能力」,是有效提升製造系統韌性之關鍵技術。


With the German government that formally introduced the concept of Industry 4.0 in 2013, information and equipment integration has become an important issue in industrial development; the importation of Industry 4.0 has led the manufacturing system toward “small-volume, large-variety” customized production in order to meet customers’ needs and lead the global industrial technology to continue to stride forward. Industry 4.0, by concept, is to digitize manufacturing systems and to combine existing technologies for three-way communication and analysis among Man, machine and virtual environment. With the importation of Internet Of Things; IOT and Cyber-Physical System; CPS and product and equipment information transmission through the Internet and low-cost production conditions, customized diversified products are manufactured, thereby producing uniqueness, enhancing business management capacity and maintaining a competitive advantage. The term resilience was first used in material science. Resilience refers to the ability to resist breakage when subjected to stress. In recent years, resilience has been quoted by the industrial community to explore enterprises and supply chains’ ability to withstand external impacts and internal incoordination, so as to minimize losses. This study applied resilience in the manufacturing system to evaluate the system’s resistance after being affected by an accidental event. The literature review method was adopted in this study to explore accidental events that affected manufacturing system performance, define an assessment method for manufacturing system resilience and carry out a resilience assessment in order to derive at the resilience intensity of the manufacturing system. Secondly, the current situation of Industry 4.0 imported into the manufacturing system was disused. Through analysis, the Industry 4.0 importation effectiveness was calculated to gain an insight into the correlation between resilience and Industry 4.0 and find effective key technologies that enhance manufacturing system resilience through Industry 4.0 importation performance. With the machine tool industry as the empirical target, accidental events for evaluating resilience ability, coupled with Industry 4.0 technical performance assessment, were adopted. Finally, through the neighborhood rough set theory, the key technologies were found. The results show that among the Industry 4.0 importation technologies, “product information storage and inquiry technology”, “predicted production processing machine repair and maintenance” and “production information transmission capacity” are the key technologies that effectively enhance the resilience of the manufacturing system.


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