  • 期刊


Trends and Application of Motion Control System with Industry 4.0 Communications


工業技術已發展至第四次工業革命,近年來德國也提出工業4.0的概念,透過將數位化與虛擬化導入生產系統中,以打造智慧工廠為訴求,結合製造業與資訊技術,提出網路實體系統(Cyber-Physical System, CPS)的解決方案。國內外大廠也紛紛投入設備自動化、系統虛實化及工廠智慧化的發展。而互聯網在工業自動化領域中也逐漸占有重要的地位,但因為缺乏一個統一的通訊標準,使得資訊整合成為工業4.0的一大瓶頸。因此本文將介紹OPC UA(Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture)及MQTT(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport)兩種目前最新的通訊機制,並與機械手臂之運動控制系統進行整合。


The fourth industrial revolution has been taking place in recent years. Germany has proposed the concept of Industry 4.0 by importing digitization and visualization into manufacturing systems with information technology, and thus the solution of Cyber-Physical System (CPS) has been promoted to create a smart factory. Domestic and foreign enterprises have invested in equipment automation, CPS system and the development of factory intelligence. Although the Internet becomes more important in industrial automation, the lack of unified communication standard makes the information integrating an obstacle for Industry 4.0. Therefore, the newest communication protocol OPC UA and MQTT will be introduced in this article and these protocols will be combined with an robotic arm and motion control system.


OPC UA MQTT IIoT Motion control
