  • 學位論文


A Study of the Influence among Online Game Player’s Involvement, Information Quality and Online Word-of-Mouth to the Purchase Intention of Virtual Props

指導教授 : 胡智熊


在近幾年來的線上遊戲變化,由需要月費漸而轉成免月費,線上遊戲廠商的獲利也從原本收取月費轉成販賣虛擬商品而來,故本研究針對玩家購買線上遊戲虛擬商品的部分,探討線上遊戲玩家的涉入程度、資訊品質及口碑傳播之間對玩家購買線上遊戲虛擬商品的影響。 本研究採網路問卷調查法,利用 Google 文件製作網路問卷,設定每題為必須填寫後,利用四個社群網站Google+、Plurk(噗浪)、Facebook(臉書)、Twitter(推特)作為發放問卷的工具,設定為公開發言,散佈問卷網址,發放時間為2013年11月並維持1個禮拜,方便網路上其他玩家自行連結填寫做為研究對象。 本研究使用 Partial Least Squares (PLS) 進行整體結構模型分析,以瞭解各問項變數的影響性,來檢視不同變項的玩家在涉入程度、資訊品質、口碑傳播及購買意願上的影響。 研究結果顯示:(1)玩家的涉入程度對資訊品質具有正向的顯著影響。(2)玩家的涉入程度對購買意願不具有正向的顯著影響,。(3)涉入程度對口碑傳播具有正向的顯著影響。(4)資訊品質對購買意願具有正向的顯著影響。(5)口碑傳播對購買意願不具有正向的顯著影響。


Online game companies changed their charging methods from monthly payment into free charge, and their profit is also changed from monthly payment into virtual item sales. This research is focused on players making online purchase , We'll also discuss about if the player's Involve level, information quality and the reputation between players will do any effect on their willing while they are doing online purchase. This research is using online questionnaire by using Google document, After setting all questions must be answered, We use following social Media as our questionnaire distribution tools (Google+ Plurk Facebook Twitter),Post has been set as public post to spread the questionnaire website,The questionnaire implement from November 2013and continued for one week, So every online game player can visit the site and join our research themselves. This research in using Partial Least Squares (PLS) to make a overall structure model analysis so we can understand the affect between all the variables, By exam whether different player's involve level, information quality and the reputation between players will influence their willing while they are doing online purchase. Research shows: (1) Player's involve level will make a significantly positive effect on information quality (2) Player's involve level does not making any effect on purchase willing (3) Player's involve level will make a significantly positive effect on reputation between players (4) Information quality will make a positive effect on purchase willing (5) Reputation between players does not making any effect on purchase willing


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