  • 學位論文


Resource Allocation for Federated Heterogeneous Edge and Fog Systems: A Matching Game Approach

指導教授 : 嚴力行




In the edge computing environment, the service provider can serve the devices of Internet of Things (IoT) and fog devices with extra low latency when offloading the requests to the edge servers. Nevertheless, the resource allocation with bulk of devices requesting the servers with limited capacity in edge computing for computation offloading while keeping extra low latency will become an important issue for the service providers. Also between different service providers, which service provider to federate and how much to pay for federation is also an important issue. Matching game is appropriate for allocating the requests to the servers, especially in a distributed environment. We proposed two mechanisms, intra-EFS offloading and inter-EFS offloading, of matching game for the resource allocation problem. Specifically, when the resource allocation is within the same service provider, we use matching game without monetary transfer; when the resource allocation is across different service providers, we use matching game with monetary transfer. Also we form the requests from the devices as virtual machine (VM) instances. Matching game can provide a stable result, that is, there will be no pairs of a server and a request that is mutually more favorable than their current matching result. We simulated our proposed mechanisms and showed that we can have a higher average number of served requests for the servers within the latency constraint of the requests, and have a higher revenue when considering the monetary exchange.


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