  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship of Visitor Involvement, Satisfaction, and Intention to Recommend in Museum Visit

指導教授 : 張家齊




This study set out to investigate the relationship of visitor involvement, satisfaction and intention to recommend in museum visit. A survey study was conducted at the National Museum of Natural Science from July to August 2008 during normal museum hours and a total of 335 cases were included in the analyses. Means comparison analyses showed that both membership status and level of involvement have significant effects on frequency of visit, scores of overall satisfaction and intention to recommend with member and visitors of high involvement visit more frequently, are more satisfy and more likely to recommend. Structural equation modeling analysis with the two latent variables satisfaction and intention to recommend showed a significant positive link of satisfaction to intention to recommend. However, when involvement was included in the analysis, this exogenous variable showed strong link to satisfaction and intention to recommend, but diminish the link of satisfaction to intention to recommend to minimum. This result indicated that involvement is a strong predictor of both satisfaction and intention to recommend. Managerial implications for developing high involvement museum programs are also discussed.


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