  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李小梅


隨著全球總體環境快速變遷,科技發展日新月異,企業面對競爭愈來愈劇烈之環境,必須不斷地思考如何採採取因應之道,以維持競爭優勢。2008年,受到百年以來的經濟大恐慌,全球企業無一不受之波及導致公司經營發生窘境。因此,近幾年企業積極地運用各種不同的管理方式,以期能適應經營環境之變化,達到永續經營之最終目標。 本研究之研究目的為探討成熟的電子零組件製造產業,如何採取適當的管理方式,協助企業能夠從競爭愈來愈劇烈之產業環境中脫穎而出,以進一步分析個案公司為了因應產業環境變遷所帶來的挑戰,進而決定導入豐田及時生產系統之背景與動機,並深入探討個案公司導入豐田及時生產系統之過程與導入前後公司績效的不同之處,是否確實符合個案公司理想中之成果。 本研究採用個案分析法,透過與高階主管的訪談,並進行相關文獻及次級資料的蒐集與分析。根據研究結果本研究獲得三項結論。首先,個案公司為了因應產業環境之變遷,領先同業變更公司制度,包括常式導入流水線生產方式、瓶頸管理制度等不同於以往大量生產之管理方式,企圖降低成本,進而提升獲利能力。再者,個案公司有鑑於導入流水線生產方式、瓶頸管理制度後之成果不甚理想,透過分析公司本身之資源與能力,選擇積極導入豐田及時生產系統,期望能夠獲得最佳的成本優勢,提升自我競爭力。 最後,儘管個案公司於導入豐田及時生產系統一年多後,確實達成個案公司預期中的理想成果,但秉持豐田及時生產系統之核心概念-好還要更好,個案公司持續進行績效衡量且不斷地精進,不被現況所滿足,進而維持公司之競爭優勢與穩定的經營。


In conjunction with constantly changing general worldwide business climate and the daily introduction of new technological innovations, businesses face an environment of ever increasing competition between rivals, and they must constantly consider what method to use in order to maintain any competitive advantage they have. During the financial crisis of 2008, all corporations worldwide faced unprecedented adversity and operational difficulty. Due to this, in recent years corporations have done their utmost to use various different management techniques in order to face future challenges and changes in the business market, with the aim of being able to weather any crisis and indefinitely maintain profitability. The goal of this study is to observe mature electrical component manufacturers, and to discover what managerial techniques they employ. This is done in order to provide reference for other firms, allowing them to compete and stand out from their competitors in this ever more intensely competitive field. We further analyze the challenges faced by the case firms in their efforts to cope with the changing corporate environment and analyze the motives behind their choice to adopt Toyota’s automated production line system. We take a look at these firms before and after this system is adopted, so as to determine what effects it has had on their operations, allowing us to determine if these effects are ideal for the case firms. This work employs case study analysis, using data gathered through interviews with high ranking management, as well as looking at the related literature and other secondary sources of information. Based on our research, we have come to three conclusions. First, the case firms have, in an attempt to deal with the changing business environment, adopted several measures that set themselves ahead of their peers by cutting costs to improving their profits, including employing non-traditional mass production management techniques, such as common sense floating production lines and bottleneck management methods. Next, the case companies have found, after appraising the effects of introducing floating production lines and bottleneck management techniques, that the results have been less than ideal, and after analyzing their own company resources and ability, they chose to instead adopt Toyota’s real-time production system, in the hopes of attaining better results, increasing profit, and improving their own competitiveness. Finally, even though the case companies found that, a year after introducing the Toyota real-time production system, they indeed obtained the effects and improvements they desired, however, based on the core motto of the Toyota system, they are not content to grow complacent and be satisfied with their current status, instead endeavoring to ever improve their efficiency, in order to maintain competitiveness and face possible unforeseen situations.


14. 葉焜煌(200),e化供應鏈管理之績效指標探討,資訊管理研究,第三卷,第二期。
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