  • 學位論文


The Development of Taiwan’s Independent Labor Union Movement: The Case Study of Solidarity

指導教授 : 馬財專


從1950年代開始,國民政府由上而下的建立一套從中央到地方的階層化一元工會體系,此時台灣的工會組織並無代表勞工利益的功能。直到1987年解嚴後,威權體制鬆動,勞工由下而上自發性的工會運動才得以興起。從1994年開始,自主工會克服法令限制,各地紛紛成立產業總工會。各地縣市產總與國公營事業工會進一步集結,於2000年突破一元化的工會架構,成立第二個全國性總工會-「全國產業總工會」(簡稱全產總)。 然而,從2004年開始,陸續有縣市產總脫離全產總體制,並於2007年組成「團結工聯」。目前「全產總」和「團結工聯」在縣市產總的會員工會數為「六比七」,體制外的「團結工聯」比起合法立案的「全產總」擁有更多縣市產總的會員工會。因此本研究藉由訪談全產總、各縣市產總以及團結工聯,釐清全產總分化的原因、瞭解團結工聯的圖像以及所代表的意義。 本研究認為縣市產總因不認同全產總以國公營事業工會為主以及過度依附政黨喪失自主性而選擇脫離全產總體制,導火線則散見於個別產總與全產總發生爭議事件並逐漸產生積累。此外,團結工聯以成為具「戰鬥性、草根性、自主性的新工會聯盟」為其組織目標,其於財務、組織運作和政治關係方面的確維持高度的「自主性」;並將自身定位為「勞工運動的平台」,以「議題」倡導來進行內外部的聯繫與集結;未來有意朝向更具「組織化」之發展,但其內部尚未達成具體之共識,本研究建議應積極透過對話,凝聚出團結工聯未來的目標及走向。最後,本研究認為不論是縣市產總脫離全產總體制的行動或是團結工聯的成立,皆提醒著自主工運需重新審視其與政黨間之關係,以及關注並審慎評估勞工之間因性質差異所引發以維護個別利益為主之問題。


From the beginning of the 1950s, the KMT government established a set of hierarchical and unitary union system from the central to local areas. At that time, labor union couldn’t fulfill labor’s interests. Until 1987, after the abolition of the Martial Law, independent labor union movement (ILUM) arose. Starting in 1994, autonomous unions had overcome the restrictions of law to establish the confederation of trade unions (CTU) in many cities. Furthermore, ILUM established a second national federation of trade unions-“Taiwan Confederation of Trade Unions (TCTU)”. However, the beginning in 2004, part of CTUs quit from TCTU, and these unions formed “Solidarity”. Currently, the CTU member ratio of TCTU to Solidarity is six to seven, which indicates a fact that a legal union has less CTU members than an illegal union. So this study wants to clarify the reasons why CTUs quit from TCTU and understand the mapping and meaning of Solidarity. This study considers the reasons that CTUs disagree with TCTU about TCTU has high priority in the state-owned businesses and depends on the political parties, but the main reason is the dispute between CTUs and TCTU. Besides, Solidarity wants to be “a militant, grassroots and independent federation of trade unions”, and it certainly is independent in finance, politics and operation. Now it cooperates with other unions by issues and serves as a platform of labor movement. Solidarity attempts to be more “organized”, but the members have not yet reached a consensus. Our work suggests that Solidarity has to come out with goals through constructive dialogues among unions quickly. Finally, the study concludes that, whether the leaving of CTUs from TCTU or the establishment of Solidarity, they remind ILUM to examine its relationship with political parties, and pay more attention to the problem that labor of different careers and industries usually focus on their individual interests only.


