  • 學位論文


Health Monitoring of The Old Trees of Bischofia javanica and Samanea saman in Zuoying District in Kaohsiung City and Northern Pingtung Country Area

指導教授 : 葉慶龍 博士




The old trees are rarities in urban area in Taiwan. Because living together, residents are interest in the old trees’ health condition. But health is an abstract concept. The health variables shown from tree health are not only causal but interactive, it makes old trees health monitoring and assessments would be hard. This study want to generalize the focus health variable of the old trees which would show the most focus factor should be attended. Sampling the old trees of Bischofia javanica and Samanea saman in Zuoying district in Kaohsiung city and northern Pingtung country area by observed and literature reviewed, this study found indicators as crown density, crown transverse plane of foliage transparency, crown dieback, crown leaf discoloration, trunk buds sprouting, land surface pavement condition, open land surface ratio and fungi decay. By making a scale including the visual indicators to assess the old trees’ health, and calculating the discriminate value of the indicators by factor analysis and discriminate analysis. The result shows there are three kinds of the factors as crown condition, nutrient transporting, and fungi decay. Because the discriminate score of most indicators are significant (p<0.000), the result shows we can use indicators as crown dieback and fungi decay to estimate the old trees’ health of B. javanica in Kaohsiung-Pingtung area; in the other way, we can use indicators as trunk buds sprouting and land surface pavement condition to estimate the old trees’ health of S. saman in Kaohsiung-Pingtung area in the future. Overall, we can estimate the old trees’ health by fewer indicators.


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