  • 學位論文


Investigating Consumer Conformity on Harley-Davidson Owners Club in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李家瑩


自我國於2002年開放大型重型機車(排氣量超過150c.c.以上)以來,無論國內或進口之代理商、經銷商之業者皆紛紛引進或生產車輛及周邊商品,試圖在這塊市場中取得部分的佔有率。而要取得消費者的青睞與對品牌的支持,業者除了熟悉自家商品的特色,在行銷推廣部分也是需要多加著墨的。因此,如何讓重型機車領域的消費者產生購買行為是個值得思考的議題,本研究旨在探討我國各個哈雷車主俱樂部(哈雷車隊)之車主對於改裝精品的購買行為,而造成車主的購買行為則是以Lascu & Zinkhan於1999年提出適用於行銷領域的從眾行為模型以作為本論文的基礎研究架構,其中選擇了四大特性中的群體特性、個人特性、品牌特性以及車主間從眾行為對於改裝精品的購買行為是否有顯著性影響。另外,再加入業者的行銷推廣作為從眾行為的干擾變數,主要觀察當車主間因從眾行為產生購買行為時,再加上業者的行銷推廣後是否更能強化其購買行為。最後提出研究建議提供給業者之行銷人員作為參考,並以提供公司發展策略之方向。 本研究以我國哈雷機車之Sub-team(官方認證)的車主作為研究對象,並以網路問卷及紙本問卷同時進行發放並透過統計軟體實證分析,其中共發放350份問卷,刪除無效問卷後共計回收324份有效問卷,有效回收率92.7%。實證分析後可得以下數項結論:一、群體特性(依賴性)對從眾行為具有正向顯著影響、個人特性(自信與自尊、自我監控、公共自我意識)對從眾行為具有正向顯著影響、品牌特性(獨特性、奢華程度)對從眾行為具有正向顯著影響;二、從眾行為對購買行為具有正向顯著影響。除此之外,本研究之理論驗證,其研究結果後之建議亦能提供業界策略發展與思考的方向。


哈雷機車 從眾行為


Since the country opened up heavy motorcycles (exhaust volume of more than 150c.c. above) in 2002, domestic or import agents as well as distributors are introducing or producing motorcycles and peripheral merchandise to get a share in this market. To obtain the favor of consumers and the support for the brand, the vendors, in addition to being familiar with the characteristics of their own products, need to focus on marketing and promotion. Therefore, how to let heavy motorcycle consumers purchase products is an issue worth considering. This study aims to explore the purchase behavior of various Harley-Davidson Owners Club (Harley motorcycle teams) in Taiwan, and as a basis for this study the owners’ purchase behavior is based on the Herd Behavior Model proposed by Lascu & Zinkhan in 1999 in the marketing field, from which the four characteristics of group characteristics, personal characteristics, brand characteristics and conformity among the motorcycle owners are selected to see if they have a significant influence on the purchase of motorcycle modification products. In addition, the vendors’ marketing and promotion are added as interference variables for the herd behavior mainly to observe when owners make a purchase due to herd behavior, whether the addition of the venders’ marketing and promotion can strengthen the purchase behavior. Finally, the study proposes the research results to vendors as a reference for marketing and to provide a direction for vendors’ development strategy. The study uses the sub-team (officially certified) owners of Harley Davidson motorcycles in our country as the research objects, uses both internet questionnaire and paper questionnaire simultaneously, and uses statistical software for empirical analysis. A total of 350 questionnaires were issued; after deletion of invalid questionnaires, a total of 324 valid questionnaires were collected, and the effective collection rate was 92.7%. After an empirical analysis the following conclusions are reached: 1. Group characteristics (interdependence) has a positive and significant influence on conformity, personal characteristics (self-confidence and self-esteem, self-monitoring and public self-consciousness) has a positive and significant influence on conformity, and brand characteristics (differentiation and luxury) has a positive and significant influence on conformity. 2. Conformity has a positive and significant influence on purchase behavior. In addition, on theory verification, the results of the study can also serve as a reference for the industry’s strategic development and direction of thinking.


Harley-Davidson Conformity


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