  • 學位論文

國內企業導入ASPICE 之必要性認知及落實成果

Necessity and Implementation of Introducing ASPICE to Domestic Enterprises

指導教授 : 楊吳泉


隨著汽車電子化的發展,作為汽車智能化載體的軟體在汽車各個功能單元中不斷滲透,軟體安全性和可靠性正引起各大主流汽車廠商關注。目前國內供應商普遍採用CMMI,但CMMI 著重項目管理和組織實踐,ASPICE 則是專為汽車量身訂做檢驗標準,各流程要求詳細且嚴密,供應商自我解讀空間很小。然而ASPICE 架構非常龐大,導入ASPICE 投入的人力資源與企業預算是一筆相當大的支出,因此對於供應商而言,按照(潛在)客戶要求,選擇合適過程和相應能力要求來構建組織產品開發過程顯得非常重要。 本研究希望瞭解國內企業導入ASPICE 執行必要性與落實程度認知,採用文獻分析法和問卷調查法,以立意取樣方式,針對國內企業專案經理及專案相關人員進行問卷調查,共計發放問卷34 份,回收34 份,回收率為100%。本研究問卷資料採用SPSS22.0 統計套裝軟體進行資料分析,統計分析方法包括敘述性統計分析、信度分分析、單因子變異數分析等。 本研究結果ASPICE 中的專案管理(MAN.3) 、系統需求分析(SYS.2) 、系統架構設計(SYS.3) 、系統集成及集成測試(SYS.4) 、系統合格測試(SYS.5) 、軟體需求分析(SWE.1) 、軟體架構設計(SWE.2) 、軟體細部設計及單元結構(SWE.3) 、軟體單元驗證(SWE.4) 、軟體集成及集成測試(SWE.5) 、軟體合格測試(SWE.6)等11 項流程領域特定執行方法雖認知必要性,然受限於企業人力、資源、資金等因素,在實際落實時有落差,造成專案執行上的缺陷。因此國內企業應根據自身企業專案狀況,建置ASPICE 關鍵流程領域,取捨必要的特定執行方式,且嚴格落實,做到執行必要性與落實程度的知行合一。


With the development of electronization in the automotive industry, software safety and reliability have attracted increasing attention of major automobile manufacturers. At present, CMMI are generally applied in domestic suppliers. However, it focuses on project management and organizational practice. ASPICE provides tailormade standards for automobiles, with detailed and rigorous requirements for each process involved, leaving little room for suppliers to interpret otherwise. However, with a gigantic structure, ASPICE requires numerous input on human resources and budget, making it critical for suppliers to choose appropriate process and capability in accordance with potential customers’ needs to establish product development process of the organization. This study aims to understand domestic suppliers’ awareness of necessity of introducing ASPICE and their implementation level. Literature analysis and questionnaire survey are adopted. A total of 34 questionnaires were distributed with a collection rate of 100%. Later the collected data was analyzed by SPSS22.0 software. The result then undergoes statistical analysis including descriptive statistics analysis, reliability analysis, one-way analysis of variance, etc. Results of this study show that, although subjects are aware of the necessity of 11 selected specific methods for process areas, due to factors such as personnel, resources, financial status, and so on, they act differently during implementation, resulting in defects during project implementation. Therefore, domestic enterprises are suggested to identify the key process areas of ASPICE and choose necessary methods based on their own project conditions, and should implement them strictly to achieve unity between awareness of necessity and action of implementation.


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