  • 學位論文


Effects of on Dengue Fever Control under the Specification of the Environmental Resources Development Platform Information Network

指導教授 : 吳有龍


依據台灣行政院環保署公告,2015年全國登革熱確診病例43,348人。而高雄市確診病例更高達到19,660人。目前傳染登革熱之病媒蚊係白線斑蚊與埃及斑蚊。自2012 年起針對醫療院區周圍天然容器(水溝)進行密度調查,深入了解積水原因,藉由工程改善如增加排水坡度、水溝蓋加不銹鋼紗網等以及化學性防治,如噴灑藥劑與投放藥磚等,雖然對於室外病媒密度有顯著降低,但改善工程費用除成本增加另噴灑藥劑也殘留於周遭環境,恐造成生態影響。因此尋找低成本也能維護環境又具防治效果已成為首要目標。 利用蘇打粉身特性去抑制蟲害的滋生,減少戶外斑蚊繁殖,將顯著效益訂在修正布氏指數L≦2。本研究建構病媒防治資訊管理分析系統,經多年來的設施改善、其他管理方式介入等,有效將蟲害異常數量顯著降低,並能維持現有的生態環境。


According to the EPA's announcement by Taiwan's Executive Yuan, there were a total of 43,348 confirmed cases of dengue in 2015 nationwide. The number of confirmed cases in Kaohsiung reached as high as 19,660. The mosquito is currently infected with dengue mosquito white spot mosquito and Egypt mosquito. Since 2012, a density survey of natural containers (ditches) around medical dispensary areas has been carried out to provide insight into the causes of stagnant water. The improvement measures such as increasing the drainage slope, ditching stainless steel gauzes, and chemical control such as spraying chemicals and dropping Drug bricks and the like, although the outdoor media density significantly reduced, but to improve the cost of the project in addition to the cost of spraying other pesticides also left in the surrounding environment, may cause ecological impact. Therefore, looking for low-cost but also to maintain the environment and prevention and control has become the primary goal. The use of soda powder body characteristics to inhibit the breeding of insect pests and reduce the outdoor mosquito breeding data will be statistically statistical analysis, the significant benefits set in the revised Briggs index L ≦ 2. The research constructs a vector control information management analysis system. For the years of facility improvements and other management interventions, the abnormal number of pests has been significantly reduced, and the ecological environment has been maintained.


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