  • 期刊

The Confessional Compulsion, Therapy, and Symptom in Defoe's Moll Flanders and Roxana



This study adopts a theoretical, rather than a historical, perspective to examine how Protestant predecessors Martin Luther and John Calvin prescribe a new theoretical basis for private confessions to provide solace to the spiritually desperate. In addition, it argues how Daniel Defoe's representation of confessions in Moll Flanders and Roxana interrogates/undermines such prescription, reducing the spiritual practice to a compulsion or even a symptom. I will first review the critics who have studied Defoe in relation to Protestant Confession. Then I will describe the similarities between Protestant confessional practice (according to Luther and Calvin's prescriptions) and those of Moll Flanders and Roxana. Confession, as described or represented by Defoe, is Protestant in nature in terms of the identity of the confessor, the content, and the effect on the confessed. According to Luther and Calvin, a Protestant confessor can be God, self, church, the community or a minister. Protestant confessants can confess to their confessors for counsel and consolation to cure anxiety resulting from their doubts about the forgiveness of a sin or their salvation. As will be elaborated later, for Defoe, confessants can also confess their anxiety about the precarious state of their worldly existence. Next, I examine how their Protestant confessional practice becomes psychological and compulsive without functioning in the way intended by Luther and Calvin to console the mentally and spiritually afflicted. Their emphasis on consolation, defined by them as "the cure of anxiety," renders the practice of confession in the terms of a psychological discourse. Furthermore, as will be elaborated shortly, Calvin's conception of confession as a "remedy" for doubt about salvation transforms confession into a psychotherapeutic practice. However, the Calvinist doctrine of predestination seems to annul its therapeutic function. Since Calvinists' belief in predestination never allows doubts about personal salvation to be eliminated, confession, as practiced by Calvinists, can become impulsive and repetitive. Despite the repeated assurances of their confessors, confessants' concerns can remain. After an elucidation of Protestant confession in terms of its consolatory effects, I discuss Defoe's representation of dysfunctional confession when confession is secularized in Moll Flanders and Roxana. Defoe's representation of his protagonists' confessions in Moll Flanders and Roxana marks a transformation in the practice of Protestant confession, particularly in terms of its consolatory function - from a spiritual and redemptory practice into a psychological compulsion - a compulsion, in the sense that, when the religious confession falls into secularized use, it no longer functions as originally intended. Moll's confession ultimately becomes compulsive and dysfunctional because her confessor's words are less comforting than her own acts of speaking. That is, her confession still functions in a consolatory manner because of her "belief" that the utterance of her own inner thoughts is itself therapeutic. On the other hand, Roxana's confession becomes a compulsive practice in that, instead of being therapeutic, it is symptomatic of and contributes to her fetishist mentality. Defoe's representation of the heroines' confessional practices suggests how religious practices can be transformed into mundane practices and continue to structure human discourse and psyche.




Cervantes, Gabriel. The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Vol. 2. Oxford: Talboys, 1840.
“Hebrews 4.12.” Geneva Bible (1599). N.d. Study Bible. Web. 3 Apr. 2014. .
“James 5.16.” Geneva Bible (1599). N.d. Study Bible. Web. 3 Apr. 2014. .
Lambert, J. C. “Confession.” Dictionary of the Bible. Ed. James Hastings. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1909. Print.
“Roxana,” Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 2014. Web. 5 Jul. 2014. .
