  • 期刊


Three Kinds of Interpretation Strategy of “Shui Hu Chuan” by Scholars of Late Ching Dynasty from the Angle of the History of Reception


本文借鑑姚斯的「接受史」概念,針對《水滸傳》接受歷史中的第二期―「晚清」進行研究,此期知識份子對《水滸傳》的看法,在整個水滸接受史中具有承先啟後的關鍵地位。 本文內容主要分為三大部份,第一部份圍繞著嚴復、夏曾佑、梁啟超等人的「誨盜說」展開討論,從其學識背景與人生經歷探究他們提出「誨盜說」的內在動力,並上溯明清「誨盜說」的概念;第二部份則關注當時知識份子對 《 水滸傳 》 的另一種流行的詮釋策略,也就是援引當時社會上流行的西方政治、社會學說來詮釋《水滸傳》的主題,這種看法是對梁氏等人「誨盜說」的反動,從中我們可以看到晚清知識份子如何將西方學說轉化成符合自身要求的概念;第三部份要討論的是不同於上述兩種觀點的「史鑑說」,以當時相當有名的小說家吳路人為代表,「史鑑說」的提出可以看做是對前面兩種觀點的批判與修正。 本文擬由社會、歷史、文化等角度探討晚清知識份子對《水滸傳》的三種詮釋策略,一方面希望能藉此進行《水滸傳》接受史的建構工作,另一方面也希望能藉由這樣的討論,反映出晚清知識份子的時代心靈,此外,我們從這些多樣的詮釋觀點中,也可以更加肯定《水滸傳》一書的文學價值與「語義潛能」。


接受史 晚清 水滸傳 小說評論 詮釋策略


According to the concept of “the history of reception” (接受史) this thesis will do the research upon the second period, Late Ching Dynasty (晚清), of “the history of reception” of “Shui Hu Chuan” (水滸傳) . The viewpoints of scholars upon “Shui Hu Chuan” during the second period, Late Ching Dynasty, have a key point to be the heir ancient sages and the teacher of posterity in “the history of reception” of the whole “Shui Hu Chuan”. There are there main points on the contents of this thesis. The first point, mainly to discuss upon the “sermon to encourage the theft by being careless about one’s valuables” (誨盜說) of Yen-Fu (嚴復) , Xia-Zeng-You (夏曾佑) , Liang-Chi-Chao (梁啟超). Focusing on their backgrounds of erudition, attainments and their experience of life, to research the internal power of their viewpoints, as well as the concept of “the sermon to encourage the theft by being careless about one’s valuables” in Ming & Ching Dynasty. The second point, concerning the other popular method of interpretation by the scholars at that time upon “Shui Hu Chuan”. In other words, to interpret the theme of “Shui Hu Chuan” by citing the popular western politics and social thoughts of the moment. Such kind of viewpoint is one kind of rebutment (disagreement) on “the sermon to encourage the theft by being careless about one’s valuables”. From this, we can know the intellectuals of Late Ching Dynasty how to change the western theory to meet their demands on concepts. The third point, to discuss “the theory of historical experience”(史鑑說), which is different from the above mentioned two points. The representative is Wu-Chien-Jen (吳趼人) , who is a rather famous novelist at that time. Wu-Chien-Jen raised “the theory of historical experience” can be regarded as the criticism and correction on the above mentioned two points. The thesis intends to research profoundly the three kinds of interpretation strategy of the scholars of Late Ching Dynasty on “Shui Hu Chuan” from the angles of social, history and culture. Through the researches and discussion, not only to proceed the construction on the history of reception of “Shui Hu Chuan”, but also to reflect the spirit of scholars of Late Ching Dynasty. Moreover, we can affirm more than ever the literary value of “Shui Hu Chuan” from the various viewpoints of interpretation.


