  • 期刊

Google Street View法律問題初探:公物法與個資法之視角

A Study on the Legal Issues of Google Street View from the Aspect of Public Property and Personal Data Protection Law


Google公司推出的Google Street View服務,雖然甚受網路使用者喜愛,卻也引發諸多有待解決之法律問題。本文之研究目的,即在探討並釐清Google Street View於公物法以及個資法領域內的爭議。從公物法的角度觀之,Google街景車為了拍攝街景而行駛於公共道路上,乃是對公共道路所為之交通使用,並未逾越「道路法」對公共道路設定的一般使用框架範圍。而且,Google街景車行駛在公共道路上沿路拍攝街景,並不會一般性地對交通安全或交通順暢造成妨害。因此,Google街景車行駛在公共道路上拍攝街景,乃是對公共道路之一般使用,無須事先獲得「道路法」或「道路交通法」主管機關之許可。由於街景影像中的肖像、車牌號碼、門牌號碼均具有個資法第2條第1款所稱個資之性質,所以Google公司拍攝街景影像並建置Google Street View平臺,涉及個資之蒐集、處理與利用。Google Street View與個資法第51條第1項之豁免適用情形無關,故應適用個資法關於「非公務機關蒐集、處理、利用個資」之相關規定。然而,Google Street View所涉之個資蒐集、處理與利用,並不符合個資法之規定。有鑑於Google Street View之違法性,行政機關得依據個資法第25條第1項之規定,對Google公司採取管制措施。至於應由哪一個機關負責採取個資法第25條第1項之管制措施,則為管制實務上仍懸而未決的問題。


Although the Street View service of Google Incorporation is popular with internet users, it causes lots of pending legal questions. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to discuss the issues raised by Google Street View in the area of public property and personal data protection law. The movement of the Google camera cars along public roads is aimed at the collection of street images. All the same, such a drive represents a traffic use of public roads. This means that the movement of the Google camera cars on public roads is still a common use of public roads which the road law had defined. Besides, the travel of the Google camera cars doesn't lead to an impairment of public traffic. The movement of the Google camera cars on public roads without regulatory approval is consequently permitted. Image data of street contain the human figure, the license plate number, and the house number. These data qualify as personal data defined in Article 2 Subparagraph 1 of the Personal Data Protection Act, wherefore the street filming by the Google camera cars and the build of the Google Street View platform involve the collection, processing and use of personal data. The Street View service of Google Incorporation is unconcerned with the exceptional cases provided in Article 51 Paragraph 1 of the Personal Data Protection Act; hence the rules of the Personal Data Protection Act for the collection, processing and use of personal data by private bodies are applicable to Google Street View. However, the collection, processing and use of personal data for the Google Street View service breach the Personal Data Protection Act. Because of this illegality, authorities may take control measures based on Article 25 Paragraph 1 of the Personal Data Protection Act. But in practice the problem of competence is unfortunately still disputed.


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