  • 期刊


"Martyr Xiang Jingyu": Revolutionary Writing and Construction of May Fourth Radical Women by the Chinese Communist Party




向警予 五四 婦女 革命烈士 歷史書寫


Xiang Jingyu was one of the most famous women party members in the entire revolutionary history of the Chinese Communist Party. She was born in 1895 and died in 1928 when the "Great Revolution" was nearly destroyed and the CCP was falling apart. Xiang was caught by the police when a party traitor informed the French authorities. She was then transferred to the local warlord, Hu Zongduo, who ordered her execution. Xiang had joined the CCP in 1922 at the age of 27, and she was 33 years old at her death, giving her only six years in the CCP. Starting immediately with her martyrdom in 1928, the CCP began to produce her life story, the first biographical essay written by her husband, Cai Hesen. In 1939, Mao Zedong declared Xiang to be a woman labor model in order to mobilize the women of the border regions. When the CCP began the Three Red Flag political economy mass mobilization in 1958, the Women's Federation called for ardent action to commemorate Xiang. Until the Cultural Revolution ended in 1978 and the Gang of Four collapsed, the Chinese Communists consistently rewrote Xiang Jingyu's life to cultivate loyalty to party. In 1990, Xiang's commemorative writings were given to the Hunan Provincial party. On the 120th anniversary of Xiang's birth in 2015, a Hunan journal published a commemorative issue that tried to connect the two concepts of writing revolutionary history and of constructing martyrs so as to deconstruct Xiang's martyrdom. The different political activities of the Communist Party reflected shifts in writings of Xiang's life, revealing how political mass movements have operatedsince the 1920s.


