  • 期刊



Steven Domanowski, E-Sign: Paperless Transactions in the New Millennium, 51 DEPAUL L. REV. 619, 625 (2001).
Jennifer L. Koger, You Sign, E-Sign, We All Fall Down: Why the United States Should Not Crown the Marketplace as Primary Legislator of Electronic Signatures, 11 TRANSNAT'L L. & CONTEMP. PROBS. 491, 501, 507-508, 504 (2001).
Sanu K. Thomas, The Protection and Promotion of E-Commerce: Should There Be a Global Regulatory Scheme for Digital Signatures?, 22 FORDHAM INT'L L.J. 1002, 1016, 1037-38 (1999).
Holly K. Towle, E-Signatures - Basics of the U.S. Structure, 38 HOUS. L. REV. 921, 946 (2001).
Amelia H. Boss, Searching for Security in the Law of Electronic Commerce, 23 NOVA L. REV. 585, 598 (1999).
