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The Spread of Baha'i Faith into Hualien, a Preliminary Study (1954-1985)


本文旨在以檔案、文獻論述巴哈伊信仰(Baha'i Faith)自伊朗發源到進入臺灣的過程及在花蓮的發展過程至信仰據點在結束原因之初步探討。巴哈伊信仰起源於十九世紀的伊朗(嘎賈爾朝,The Qajars, 1785-1925)的宗教群體,歷史上為什葉伊斯蘭(Shia Islam)謝赫學派(Shaykhiya)的傳承。該信仰創始人巴哈歐拉(Baha'u'llah, d. 1892)主張「地球乃一國,萬眾皆其民」之願景,故也被稱為「大同教」。巴哈歐拉歸真後,其子阿博都-巴哈('Abdu'l-Baha', d. 1921)承襲教權,並提出向中國發展教務的願景,使巴哈伊信仰於1914年進入中國。1949年,因中國內戰故,許多中國的巴哈伊信仰者轉進臺灣發展。遂後在1953年,時任巴哈伊領導人──守基.阿芬第.拉巴尼(Shoghi Effendi Rabbani, d. 1956)在新德里洲際會議提出「十年拓展計畫」(The Ten Year Crusade, 1953-1963)中指示加強包含臺灣在內的傳道工作,使得各國的傳道者進入島內各縣市進行佈道,過程中以花蓮的教務發展最好。1966年4月成立「花蓮大同教地方靈體會」,人數達全臺最高。只是信仰據點設置未久,花蓮的信仰者人數瞬間頓減,最終在1985年正式停止運作。


The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the process of Baha'i Faith's origin from Iran to Taiwan and the preliminary discussion on the reasons for the end of the development of Hualien. Baha'i originated from the religious group of Iran in the 19th century (The Qajars, 1785-1925). Baha'i is the branch faith of Shi'ah Islam, and originated from the theological thought of Shaykhiyah. The founder of the faith, Baha'u'llah (d. 1892), advocated the vision that "The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizen", so it's also called "Da-tong-jiao" (大同教) in mandarin. After Baha'u'llah passed away, his son 'Abdu'l-Baha'(d. 1921) inherited the right to teach and proposed a vision for the development of religion in China, so that the Baha'i entered in 1914. China. In 1949, many Chinese Baha'i s turned to Taiwan for development due to the Chinese civil war. Later in 1953, the then Baha'i leader, Shoghi Effendi Rabbani (d. 1956), presented the Ten Year Crusade (1953-1963) at the Fourth Intercontinental Conference in New Delhi in 1953. Instructed to strengthen the missionary work including Taiwan, so that the evangelists of various countries entered the counties and cities on the island to conduct sermons. In the process, the educational affairs of Hualien were the best. In April 1966, The Hualien Baha'i Spiritual Assembly(花蓮大同教地方靈體會) was established, with the highest number of people in Taiwan's Baha'i Community. Suddenly, Hualien was instantly reduced and stopped in 1985.


Baha'I Da-tong-jiao Martial lawin Taiwan Hualien


“Knights of Baha'u'llah,” Bahaikipedia, https://bahaikipedia.org/Knights_of_Bahá’u’lláh.
Bahai Reference Library, http://reference.bahai.org/en/.
Star of the West, https://bahai.works/Star_of_the_West.
沙基芬地(Shoghi Effendi)著,曹雲祥譯,《大同教宣言》,上海:大同教社,1932。
