  • 期刊

Taxonomy and Phytogeography of Taiwanese Pteridophytes







The position, topography, and climate of Taiwan are briefly described and shown to be very important for the richness of its pteridophytic flora. The history of botanical exploration of Taiwan is briefly described. It is pointed out that many nomenclatural problems pertaining to Asiatic plants can only be solved by work in European herbaria.The present study is mainly based on the author's field work from 1968 to 1981 both on flora and vegetation, and herbarium studies in Japanese and western European herbaria. 617 taxa were critically examined; they include 4 new species correction. One-third of the names had not been used in Taiwanese botanical literature before.The elevational distribution patterns of Taiwanese pteridophytes agree very well with the vegetation zones in Taiwan. 43% of the Taiwanese pteridophytes belong to the warm-temperate forest zone. Most of the pteridophytes in the coniferous forest zones extend to or are mainly distributed in the Himalayan region. The closest relatives of endemic species in the coniferous forest zones were also studied; they show the same phytogeographical connections.Selective criteria are proposed for comparing floras of neighbouring regions. An analysis of the distribution of selected pteridophytes in the broad-leaved forest zones gave the following results: the pteridophytic flora of Taiwan has very weak relationships with that of Malesia; the pteridophytes of subtropical Taiwan form links with those of the Ryukyus, SE. China, and the lowlands of Indo-China; the pteridophytes of the warm-temperate zone are closely related to those of SW. China (especially Szechwan, Yunnan, Kweichow), N. Indo-China, and NE. India. Thus, Taiwan can be said to have an East Asiatic, rather than a SE. Asiatic-Malesian fern flora, in spite of its position between the two areas.




KUO, L. Y., HSU, T. C., CHAO, Y. S., LIOU, W. T., CHANG, H. M., CHEN, C. W., HUANG, Y. M., LI, F. W., HUANG, Y. F., SHAO, W., LU, P. F., CHEN, C. W., CHANG, Y. H., & CHIOU, W. L. (2019). Updating Taiwanese pteridophyte checklist: a new phylogenetic classification. TAIWANIA, 64(4), 367-395. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2019.64.367
Hsu, T. C., Lin, C. Y., & Chang, Y. H. (2014). New Additions to the Fern Flora of Taiwan. TAIWANIA, 59(1), 86-92. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2014.59.86


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