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The Politics of Representational Space on the Marginalities: How Films Represent Sense of Place in Treasure Hill




地方感 寶藏巖 再現空間 電影 邊緣


Treasure Hill, as an urban informal village, has been transformed into an international artist village, which is formally constituted as a spotlight of global art city through state intervention. Although the sense of place is fundamental for the understanding of the urban transformation, less research given to the understanding of how films represent the sense of place, and how film analysis is the central lens to uncover the tensions and politics of representational space. This study aims to uncover the politics of representational space unfolded between the reality of the Treasure Hill and the romantic packaging of the governmental project narrative. This study draws on Henri Lefebvre's production of space to frames interpretative analysis on the three movies, "Thanatos, Drunk", "Four Hands", and "Drifting Paradise" A film analysis method is adopted to highlight the story/person/language/image/lens/narrative as analytic text, and produce three interpretative findings. First, the physical environment of Treasure Hill is commonly drawn as film scenes to constitute different spatial-temporal marginalities as the overlapped sense of place, which is represented in the three movies. These films represent the marginalities, differential development, and multi-subculture groups as the informal senses of the Treasure Hill village through the film context analysis. Second, comparison of the state-led international artist village project in Treasure Hill, these films not only manifest the differentalization on the representation of space and on representational space, but also reveal the politics of representational space as a mutually dependent and exclusive tension unfolded in the formalization process of informal Treasure Hill. Finally, this study elucidates the role of sense of place to rethink how the government should transform "The Treasure Hill", and to present the ignoring dimension of displacement effect behind the formalization of the informal Treasure Hill.


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