  • 期刊


On Prof. Peter Kun Yu Woo's Tracing and Inheritance of Greek Philosophy-The Way to Position the Cosmos and Arrange Life Based on Knowledge, Happiness and Virtue




希臘哲學 定位宇宙 安排人生 知識 德行 幸福


Peter Kun Yu Woo's History of Western Philosophy is the results of the first year of his teaching career, showing his macroperspective of history, his persistence on truthfulness and how he viewed teaching and writing as the important missions of his. As exploring his tracing and inheritance of Greek philosophy, our starting point is about how he inspired the domestic academic circle to value the impact of the history of western philosophy. This article puts emphasis on why he traced the source of Greek philosophy, formulates his approach to Greek philosophy, and then reflects on these formulations. From tracing the historical context and internal immanence to reflecting on the contemporary meaning and development of Greek philosophy, Woo's teaching was not simply about transmitting "knowledge" but also about how virtues create a complete person and lead to a happy life. Based on Woo's discourse about the trinity of knowledge, happiness and virtue in Greek philosophy, this article proceeds along the three directions: 1. Teleology (The intellectual approach from mythology to the positioning of the cosmos); 2. Virtue ethics ("Knowledge as virtue" and a complete person); 3. Happiness ethics (arranging life to pursue the supreme happiness). Here, this article will expounded Woo's academic contribution, we wish to learn wisdom and the true way to happiness from Woo's academic legacy. This paper will develop its arguments in memory of Prof. Peter Kun Yu Woo who has knowledge, virtue and happiness.


Aristotle. Ethica Nicomachea. Edited by J. Bywater. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1894.
Aristotle,Ross, David(trans.),Ackrill, J. L.(Revised),Urmson, J. O.(Revised)(1986).The Nicomachean Ethics.Oxford:Oxford University Press.
Gadamer, Hans-Georg,Smith, P. C.(trans.)(1986).The Idea of the Good in Platonic-Aristotelian Philosophy.New Haven:Yale University Press.
Gadamer, Hans-Georg,Smith, P. C.(trans.)(1980).Dailogue and Dailectic: Eight Hermeneutical Studies on Plato.New Haven:Yale University Press.
Stewart, J. A. Notes on the Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle. Vol. 2. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1892.
